Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Nephilim’s Fate

She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.


 The Nephilim’s Fate

War of the Nephilim Series Book 1

by Eliza Hampstead

Genre: Fantasy Romance

She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.

In the heart of London, Alissia's ordinary life takes a thrilling turn when she is attacked by bloodthirsty vampires. When Nate, the man she dreamed about for years, swoops in to save her, her reality shatters as she discovers a shocking truth: she's a witch, and he's a Nephilim. But their love is cursed, forbidden by ancient laws that threaten to tear their world apart.

As old rivalries resurface and dark secrets come to light, Alissia and Nate must confront their deepest fears and fight for their love, even if it means igniting a war between Heaven and Hell.

With unforgettable characters, steamy romance, and gripping plot twists, this captivating new fantasy series by award-winning author Eliza Hampstead delves into a world of angels and demons, forbidden love, and the inexorable power of fate.


Character Interview: Nate

Interviewer: Nate, you've spent your life fighting for the Nephilim and following orders without question. What changed when you met Alissia?

Nate: Meeting Alissia was like waking up from a dream I didn’t know I was having. I always thought I was doing the right thing by following orders, protecting our world from threats. But Alissia made me realise there’s more to life than just obeying commands. She made me question things, like why we accept the hierarchy and why we’re kept apart from those we love. With her, I started thinking for myself—and that changed everything.

Interviewer: How do you feel about your Nephilim heritage? Is there anything you struggle with regarding your nature?

Nate: I’m proud of who I am. Being a Nephilim means strength, the power to protect, to fight, and to heal. I love the feeling of flying, of being connected to something greater than myself. But there’s also a sadness in it. We can’t have children, and as much as I want a family with Alissia, that’s something I can’t give her. It’s a constant reminder that there are things even my powers can’t fix.

Interviewer: Alissia is a witch, and according to the old laws, love between you two is impossible. How did you feel when you realised she was the woman of your dreams?

Nate: It was like seeing my destiny unfold right before my eyes. I knew she was off-limits, that loving her could have serious consequences, but I also knew I couldn’t walk away. She’s my fate, and I believe we were meant to find each other. That’s why I can’t just follow orders anymore—I have to protect her, no matter the cost.

Interviewer: The magical world you live in is full of tension. How do you view the relationships between Nephilim, witches, fae, vampires, and demons?

Nate: It’s complicated, to say the least. Nephilim have always been seen as lower than witches, but higher than fae and vampires. There’s this delicate balance of power, but it’s fragile, always on the edge of breaking. I used to just do what I was told, without caring about the bigger picture. But now, I want to see a world where we can all live together peacefully. That’s why I’m working on forming alliances—with witches, fae, even angels. We need to stand united if we’re going to face what’s coming.

Interviewer: Speaking of what’s coming, Victorija, the leader of the vampires, is a significant threat. How far are you willing to go to protect Alissia and ensure a peaceful future?

Nate: As far as it takes. Victorija is dangerous, and if we don’t stop her, she’ll tear everything apart. I’m willing to risk everything—my life, my loyalty to my kind, even my place in the magical world—to protect Alissia and secure a future where we can all live without fear. If that means defying ancient laws or going against my own kind, so be it. Love and family come first.

Interviewer: You seem to value family above all else. How has your relationship with Yael, the young Nephilim you mentor, influenced your views on family?

Nate: Yael’s like a little brother to me. He’s lost so much, like many Nephilim children who are separated from their mothers. I hate that part of our culture—the idea that we have to grow up without knowing where we come from. It’s made me more determined to build a family of my own, to give Yael and others like him a better future where they can know love, not just duty.

Interviewer: What do you see for your future with Alissia? What’s your vision for the magical community?

Nate: I want a world where Alissia and I can live without fear, where we can build a family together—even if it’s not in the traditional sense. I envision a magical community where no one is superior to the other, where peace is possible, and where beings like us can follow our hearts without being punished for it. But to get there, we have to deal with Victorija and those who thrive on chaos. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth fighting for.

Interviewer: You mentioned that you had a conversation with your angelic father in Heaven. What was that experience like, both meeting him and being in Heaven?

Nate: Meeting my father was surreal. For so long, I was angry at him for abandoning my mother and me. But when I finally saw him, I realised that the answers I sought weren’t as simple as I thought. Heaven itself… it’s vast, almost overwhelmingly so. Everything is white, bright, and beautiful, but there’s a sadness to it, too. There are so few angels left, and the emptiness makes it feel lonely. It’s not the comforting place I imagined—it’s more like a reminder of what’s been lost.

Interviewer: How did your father explain his decision to leave you and your mother? Did that conversation bring you any peace?

Nate: He told me that his role as an angel wasn’t compatible with staying in the human world. He didn’t abandon us out of a lack of love but because he believed it was his duty to return to Heaven. If he stayed with my mother she would have perished from her blind love for him as she wouldn’t eat or drink or sleep when she was with him. He wanted to protect us from afar, in ways I couldn’t understand back then. Hearing his side of the story did bring me some peace, but it doesn’t erase the pain of growing up without him. Still, I’ve come to accept it, and we’ve made our peace with each other.

Interviewer: After visiting Heaven and speaking with your father, did your perspective on being a Nephilim or your role in the magical world change?

Nate: It did. Seeing Heaven, understanding its emptiness, and hearing my father’s reasons gave me a new perspective on my own life. I realised that being a Nephilim isn’t just about power or duty—it’s about connection. We’re the bridge between Heaven and Earth, and it’s up to us to decide how to use that role. My time in Heaven reinforced my belief that our world—our community—needs to come together, not be divided by fear or ancient laws. It’s made me more determined to fight for a future where beings like me, and those I love, can choose their own paths.

Interviewer: You’ve found your love with Alissia, but what about your close friends like Mike, Azariel, and Raph? How do you see their futures unfolding?

Nate: I’m incredibly lucky to have found Alissia, and I want the same happiness for my friends. Mike has Charlie, and they seem to balance each other out perfectly, even with all the chaos that comes with being close to us. As for Azariel and Raph, I believe they’ll find the same kind of love I have with Alissia. They’ve been through so much, and they deserve it. Maybe we’ll see their stories unfold in the future—I have a feeling that their journeys are just beginning.



“Not here. Out,” he growled through his teeth.

Nate released me and headed towards the backdoor. Sighing, I watched him leave, knowing I could either follow him or go home. However, I wanted answers. I wanted to get to know this guy for real after seeing him forever in my dreams. I shrugged and gave the other guys an apologetic smile before leaving through the back door. As I stepped outside, the darkness enveloped me, and the distant thumping of bass from inside was only a faint echo. A lantern nearby cast a dim glow, barely illuminating his face. He leaned against the yellow-brown brick wall with the back of his head on the stone and his eyes closed, taking a deep breath. Then, when he sensed me, he opened his eyes, looked at me, and crossed his arms over his chest. Nate radiated strength, reassurance, and imperturbability. I was drawn to this man. He looked so seductive, even more so because he didn’t intend to. Pictures flashed through my mind. Him naked over me, our breaths mingling as he pushed into me. Thinking of my nights with him, I didn’t want to talk; I wanted to taste and feel him at last. I’ve waited too long for this to happen. I craved his touch, his lips against mine.

I took a few steps towards him and stopped right before him, only centimetres separating us. By instinct, he touched my arms, slowly stroking my skin. My hands were on his waist, caressing over his stomach up to his chest muscles. It was all too familiar, exactly like in my dreams. Next, his hands would be on my hips, moving to my arse to squeeze my cheeks. I closed my eyes and stood on my tiptoes to reach for his kiss.

“Oh, Nate…,” I breathed.

Kiss me, for god’s sake. We’ve done this so often. My breath quickened, and I felt my pulse speed up. Would he kiss me? Did he want me as much as I wanted him? I waited for something to happen, but I felt no more arms around me, no kiss on my lips. Opening my eyes, I saw the battle going on in his mind. What was wrong? Raising my eyebrows, I looked at him. What was his next step? Would he make a move or just stand there for the rest of time? I bit my lower lip, and that triggered him somehow. The next second, I was pressed against the brick wall, his hands on my shoulders, and our bodies separated by his arm’s length.

“What are you doing, witch?” he hissed.

His question pissed me off. Why did he insult me? I wanted a kiss from him, not an organ. For seven agonising years, he had haunted my dreams, a constant reminder of what I could never have. And then, here he was, standing before me in all his glory, finally within my reach. My heart was racing, and my body was on fire with desire. I longed to feel his touch, to have his skin against mine, and to taste his lips on mine. The ache inside me grew stronger with every passing second that we were apart—a longing that consumed me entirely. It was a feeling of desperation, of needing him more than anything else in the world. And now that he was here, I couldn’t bear the thought of letting him go.

“What? Are you kidding me? What does it look like? Playing scrabble? No, I want your hands on me and your lips on mine. Is that so hard to understand?”

“Are you trying to kill me?” He was peeved at me for some reason. His breathing sped up, and his eyes were fixed on my lips. He swallowed visibly. I could still see the battle going on in his eyes.

“You’re killing me here right now! Are you blind or what? I want you. And don’t give me this rubbish that you aren’t attracted to me!” I practically shouted.

He still had his hands on my shoulders, but I could move my arms and placed them on his chest again. With every other guy, I would have walked away already. I never exposed myself that much, and almost begged them to touch me. Nate was different, though. I couldn’t leave that easily. He searched my eyes, and I could no longer conceal my vulnerability behind my aggressive behaviour. Why wouldn’t he kiss me? Did I imagine his attraction, and he had no interest? Would he leave me here for good, and I would be alone for the rest of my life?

“You really don’t know, do you?” He asked softly as he laid his forehead against mine.

“Know what?”

If you crave the intensity of Shadowhunters with an added dose of spice, don't miss out on this spellbinding series!


*Warning: strong language, steamy scenes, and graphic violence inside. Mention/Description of abduction, blood, death, rape, and torture.*

Praise for "The Nephilim's Fate":
"My new favorite series!" Readers’ Favorite,
"Delightfully sensuous and gripping with a dark edge and an epic feel." SPR,
"Excellent storytelling and masterful use of plot twists!", Literary Titan,
"A spicy and steamy paranormal romance that also has so much more than a reader would expect at the outset." Readers’ Favorite,


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**Don’t miss the rest of the books in the series!**

Find them on Amazon!


About the Author

Award winning author Eliza Hampstead, a scientist by training, lives with her family in the UK. When she's not writing, she spends her time as a geek. Playing all sorts of games (board games, video games, RPGs) and being a big fan of medieval history are only a few of the many hobbies she has. Passionate about fantasy, she's always planning her next adventure.

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