Thursday, October 24, 2024

Darkest Delights

Don’t trust what lies within…

They don’t forgive, They destroy


Darkest Delights

by K.M Jenkins and Ben Merical

Genre: YA Horror, Dark Fantasy

Welcome to Medge Pond, a town where mischievous children go missing beyond the forest border. Something evil lurks within the forest, and those who enter are never seen again.

There are two rules you must follow: Do NOT enter the forest and never touch the berries. Ever.

If you break them, beware—not even your screams will save you.



Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?

Hi everyone. My name is Katie Jenkins-Merical but I write under the name K.M. Jenkins. I recently got married to Ben Merical after being together for almost 9 years in October. We started dating after meeting online back in December 2015. A lot of our relationship happened backwards. The first was moving in together, then having twin boys named Zeek and Zayne. Our journey had its difficulties but the time to get married never seemed to come. Until now, we have been married almost a month and I would have to say nothing is different.

When Ben and I first met, we both had our hands in the publishing industry. He worked on comic books that he sold at shows. While I did graphic design for authors I met online and tried my hand at writing myself. It got put on hold for both of us when working to make a living took root. Then add the fact we had kids on the way to take care of.

After two years, I needed an outlet that would feed my mind before I went crazy with the kids. I got back into writing in 2018. The start was my epic fantasy short stories in my Tales of Ferrês series. Then I worked on longer works along with short novelettes.

Ben and I tried our hand as a couple to write our own take on a horror story together. It went pretty smoothly, and we enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I have a limited writing schedule, so we write together when we can. If we aren’t doing things to further our career we are spending time with our boys that are seven years old right now.


"Gracie, you okay?"

Rob waited until I looked him in the eye. My breathing calmed down, and I could start thinking straight. He looked worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I thought I saw something at the window. So I ran out here to catch it. But I guess I was only seeing things."

Rob looked at the trees and frowned.

"I've been standing here for about five minutes knocking and saw nothing run into the forest."

"Yeah, but you were walking around the house. This was toward the back of the house."

Rob chuckled and cocked his head. Then he looked over at the trees.

"We could always go in and look around," he said, arching his eyebrow.

Rob looked at me with a dare written on his face. My hands started sweating just thinking about those beady eyes staring at me. And the noise obviously was the same creature from yesterday. But what is it? And what does it want?

My curiosity won out. I turned toward the treeline and motioned for Rob to follow. It didn't take too much persuasion to get him to come along. He had a spark in his eye, making it clear he thought this was some kind of adventure. Little did we know this was the first step to living in a nightmare.

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About the Authors

Ben and Katie tied the knot in September 2024 but not before putting pen to paper. Together they crafted their first horror story together titled: “Darkest Delights,” back in 2022. The loved stories like Goosebumps growing up and decided to create their own campfire story that would leave a little fright for the younger readers to enjoy. They plan to work on more in the future. Make sure to subscribe to K.M. Jenkins’ newsletter to get updates on books when they hit the stores:


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