Monday, September 25, 2023

The Magik Scarf

The Magik Scarf

World of Daegries Series Book 1

by M.K. Browning

Genre: YA Fantasy

 Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?

Sure! I am M.K. Browning, which is very close to my real name! I have written 19 or so other pieces of fiction and published them under Kim Smith, Author. I got started in the authoring world back in the early 2000s before the world of the Internet was yet available to regular folks. As technology improved, so did my choice to be an indie author. I published with several small publishers around 2011 and they all went out of business. Disheartening! But I learned how to do everything myself and went that direction. Now as MKB I am going back to small publisher publishing. I will have my new book with and am excited to pass off some of the backend chores.

What is something unique/quirky about you?

I am a professional tarot reader at a local metaphysical store. In my life, I have been an IT specialist, office assistant, telephone seller, and cashier at a fast-food fish place. I have also co-owned a video production service with my late hubby and shot more video and photography than I care to admit.

Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you!

I used to be a part of four people who ran the writing site Writers 4 Writers (early 2000s) and also, Murder by 4. MB4 was always on the list of 101 Best Sites by Writers Digest back in the day. I felt like a special author because of that. We sure did get a lot of traffic!

What are some of your pet peeves?

People who constantly whine about their life on social media. I follow a lot of folks and if they become that constant meh meh meh, I unfollow fairly quickly. I have a bit of anxiety some days and I just cannot bear that. Besides, we all have problems. Make us feel better, not worse!

 Where were you born/grew up at?

I was born and bred in Memphis, Tennessee. Spent most of my growing up years there before moving to north Mississippi. Raised my kids there, until they moved away for lives of their own. About four years ago, my new hubby and I moved to central Florida. It’s like being on vacation every day. I love it! But I’m still a serious Southerner. Eudora Welty and William Faulkner live in my writing.

 If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

Writing HARD – hoping to get enough down that someone else could pick it up and get it published for me posthumously.

 Who is your hero and why?

This answer has changed through the years… and now my hero and person of the year for me is J. R. R. Tolkien. I am currently reading his Letters. And it has seriously changed my life, as I get an insider view of his life, his loves, his fears, and his writings. Highly recommend The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien!


 Magik, once unleashed, can have very unpredictable results...

Magik, once unleashed, can have very unpredictable results...

Sixteen-year-old Alyssa Chance Oh had been called many things. Magician, sorcerer’s apprentice, even witch. But nothing had prepared her for being called a failure.

After botching her first solo spell, where she only partially reanimates her grandfather into a voice in a toy jack-in-the-box, Alyssa has to set out to find and return a gryphon king’s magik scarf or else he will do something unspeakable to her grandmother.

But that sneaky scarf is not where the king said it was, and now the only way to get to it is through a dragon’s lair.


Losing a loved one to death is terrible. Bringing them back has other assorted issues. And when it’s your own flesh and blood… well, necromancy has limits.

Alyssa Chance Oh tensed against the problems before her. She stood in her family’s log house in her bedroom, turning about once or twice, trying to assess things.

The house stood like a pinprick on the river’s edge. A mere smudge in the grand scheme of the whole of Daegries. But it was her entire world, the only home that ever mattered. And her family, grown even smaller recently, needed her to take charge.

Alyssa sighed, staring at items strewn on her bedroom floor. She’d been up early, studying spells, trying to figure out what wasn’t working. “Why do I have to jump up and down on the bed? This incantation sounds like something a fool would say.”

Alyssa had tried the spell twice, spouting different words and performing various actions as she saw fit, but nothing had happened. No flash of light, no smell of sulfur… no risen grandfather. Nothing. And she desperately wanted her grandfather back on this side of the dirt.

She sat absently flicking at the petals of a sundew plant sitting on the scuffed wooden desk. Magik usually kicked in at sixteen, and her birthday had been a few months ago. But apparently, that wasn’t a sure-fire win at spell casting.

Bitterly eyeing the thick book she’d been using for the spell, Alyssa grabbed it, and her deep blue eyes darted back and forth over the text written in tiny script. “I have to get this done.”

**Only .99cents!**

The journey into the World of Daegries starts with M. K. Browning's exciting prelude, The Magik Scarf.

"Powerful quest fantasy filled with magik and adventure." - early reader


"This book is great with characterizations!" - Andrea G.


"This book is perfect for young readers seeking a traditional fantasy novel that emphasizes family relationships, self-worth, and loyalty." - Liz R.

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About the Author

M.K. Browning is an emerging author of young adult epic fantasy. Author, grandmother, wife, and proud dog mom, M.K. is known for her character-driven fiction which stems from her fourteen-plus years of experience as an indie author under another pen name (see books by Kim Smith). M.K. lives in central Florida with her hubby and her Chihuahua, Darby, who runs their lives.

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  1. Thank you so much for hosting me!

  2. I enjoyed the interview and blurb. Sounds like a good story.


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