Monday, October 14, 2024

The Girl of Many Crowns

The true story of a powerful Knight and a runaway Queen who unite to defy an empire.


 The Girl of Many Crowns

by D.H. Morris

Genre: Historical Fiction

"The Girl of Many Crowns" is the true and inspiring story of Judith, the first princess of France, who is a pawn in a complex political game of chess as her father, King Charles, tries to hold on to his kingdom. King Charles, grandson of Emperor Charlemagne, is beset on every side by Vikings, rebel lords, and greedy neighboring monarchs. He marries 12-year-old Judith to Aethelwulf, the aging King of Wessex, for political advantage. When she is widowed less than two years later, he arranges a second marriage for her. But, when Judith refuses to marry a third time at her father's command, King Charles imprisons her in one of his palaces.

Baldwin Iron Arm is a powerful knight from Flanders who pledges loyalty to King Charles and his family. As the companion of Judith's brother, Louis, he fulfills his oath by protecting King Charles' family from Vikings, rebel lords, wars, and assassination plots. He is conflicted when he must choose between obeying the king and rescuing his daughter Judith from her imprisonment.


 What is something unique/quirky about you? I acted in local theater for several years, I love Yorkies, and I lived in Germany for 12 years total.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less! Serious thinker

Do you have a favorite movie? Black and white classics

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie? The Girl of Many Crowns has already drawn attention and discussions about possible mini-series.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? A Yorkie

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? I enjoyed it most, discovering all the surprising historical turn of events that happened in this story. They were exciting, delightful, and hysterical. I kept telling myself you can’t even make this stuff up. Fact is stranger than fiction.

Tell us about your main characters- what makes them tick? Baldwin wanted to serve his king and country and protect the people. He was truly altruistic. Judith had a similar mindset although she did it in a different way. Her original sole goal was to help her father and serve him in his kingdom, but in the end, she had to choose between her desire to serve her father and not compromising herself.

If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead? No, Judith was a young girl in the book.

Anything specific you want to tell your readers? Write your own family history stories. Let other descendants read about their family stories.

What is your favorite part of this book and why? When Baldwin finally tells Judith how he feels about her.

If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day? I would love to meet, interview, and pick the minds of all of the characters in the book. But if there were only one, I could meet it would be Baldwin to watch him training for battle. To see his horsemanship and learn more about his battle style.

Have you written any other books that are not published? Yes. I have 1 children’s book I wrote for my children that is not published and 1 planned educational book that is my personal teaching method for teaching children to read. It has worked well for my family, friends, and neighbors. I also am starting on the Prequel to The Girls of Many Crowns. I also collaborated on writing the book and lyrics for a musical version of Pride and Prejudice.

If your book had a candle, what scent would it be? It would be spice, intrigue, maybe a hint of sweet… I guess a Sandalwood scented candle.

What made you decide to get the book made into an audiobook? I know several people that prefer that format and I felt that it could reach more readers by having an audiobook version.

Who did the narration on the audiobook and what made you choose them? I chose to do it myself with an AI assist as I have training in audio recording.

What goes into making an audiobook? Lots of hours of recording sessions and making sure you are in the right environment for recording.

How many audiobooks do you currently have and are there any more on the horizon? This is my first audiobook, but when I finish the prequel, I will do another audiobook.

What’s the biggest challenge about producing an audiobook? Making sure the recording is just right.

Do you prefer to listen to audiobooks or read a book? Read a book

How long have you been writing? I’ve enjoyed writing ever since I was a child.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book? I use everything from the internet, to going to the library. I use every possible resource I can find including dissertations or master theses. I research the era, the food, and the medicine before I write about it. I am someone that is very uncomfortable writing about things I do not understand. So, I immerse myself in research before beginning writing.

Do you see writing as a career?

What do you think about the current publishing market? It’s a complicated market that takes a lot of time and research to understand. It’s not something easily done overnight.

Do you read yourself and if so, what is your favorite genre? I like anything well written. I am very eclectic in my reading. My favorite would probably be Historical Fiction, Mystery, and Fantasy.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? I prefer to write in silence so that I am not easily distracted.

Pen or type writer or computer? Used to always be pen, but now I have transitioned to computer.

A day in the life of the author? No two days are the same. I start my mornings with my husband and Yorkie. My husband and I like to play puzzle games together. I do my best writing in the mornings so this is a good time to write. Then I work through my schedule whether it is shopping or chores that need to be done, appointments or events I have, family management tasks, or researching my next novel. Then I end my day with doing a puzzle with my husband and relaxing with my Yorkie, Max. Sometimes we will watch a movie before we go to bed.

Advice they would give new authors? Learn to love rewriting, because that is where your manuscript goes from a good idea into a polished gem. Don’t be afraid of constructive criticism, use it to make your writing better. Also remember that not everyone will understand your journey so keep working on your manuscript and keep submitting it for review.

What is your writing process? For instance, do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first? What are common traps for aspiring writers? This book was different as the outline was already provided for me by history. It was basically reading about the events that occurred during that year and making sense of it in my own mind, then sleeping on it, and I would write about it in the morning. If you want to write just to be a popular author, then you have to follow what the trend of the day is and do what other authors are doing. If you want to create something special and unique, then you can’t do what everyone else is doing.

What is your writing Kryptonite? Overthinking is my Kryptonite. I think you just have to start writing. The process of writing organizes your thoughts. As you get into the writing process, it all starts coming together. The initial writings are you just organizing your mind and you will most likely throw out anyways. So, if there is a phrase or anything that sparks your imagination then just start writing it.


Gauzlin gave valuable instruction as they walked. “The king is consulting with John Scotus, an Irish scholar and adviser to the king. They are discussing the upcoming summer assembly. Every summer, nobles from all over the kingdom gather to discuss current laws and vote on any changes proposed by the king.”

Gauzlin paused before a double door with a posted guard. “We will enter when admitted by the keeper of the door and wait at the back of the room until we are summoned forward. This is no time for cowardice, young Baldwin. Do not speak unless the king speaks directly to you. But if he asks you a question, speak boldly and clearly. Speak your mind and speak truth. It is what the king expects and what he admires.” They presented themselves to the keeper of the door for admittance.

The throne room was long and spacious, with a large table off to one side. Mirroring the detailed carving of the throne itself, the ceiling was arched with intricate wood inlay. Behind the throne, the wall displayed Francia’s royal banner–blue, with gold embroidery and fringe. From Baldwin’s vantage, King Charles appeared to be in his late thirties, tall and slender. His brown hair and beard had a reddish tint, and he wore a pale blue tunic with purple leggings denoting his status as king.

King Charles’ demeanor was thoughtful but confident as he deliberated with his silver-haired counselor. Whether sitting or pacing restlessly about the room, it was evident that the king was in command. When the discussion concerning the next assembly ended, King Charles beckoned Gauzlin and Baldwin forward. The aged scholar, John Scotus, examined Baldwin with eager curiosity. Determined not to reveal his nervousness, Baldwin followed Gauzlin’s lead, bowing deeply until the king addressed them.

“So, this is the ‘Iron Arm?’” King Charles stood and approached Baldwin. “You are accomplished in all forms of battle?”

“Yes, Sire. I have experience in fighting the Viking raiders.” Baldwin spoke with what he hoped was the right amount of boldness.

“Have you learned to read?” the king wished to know.

“Sire, my mother saw to it that I was well instructed in reading, arithmetic, military tactics, history, manners, and music.”

“Excellent. I wish all in my kingdom were as well educated. Perhaps, someday, we will be able to spend more time on learning and less on war.” The king exchanged a meaningful glance with John Scotus.

“And your mother, how does she fare?” King Charles inquired.

“She fares well, my King,” was Baldwin’s reply.

“Has she kinsmen to look out for her interests?”

“Yes, Sire.”

“Then, I hope you will stay and serve our court for some long time, Baldwin Iron Arm,” the king continued, seemingly pleased. “Will you pledge loyalty to me, Baldwin?”

“I will gladly, Sire,” Baldwin answered confidently, placing his closed fist over his heart.

“For that, I thank you, young knight. I have seven children, and the queen is even now great with child. Will you also pledge to defend my family?”

“I pledge to defend them with my life, Sire.” The conviction in Baldwin’s voice rang true.

“Many dangers threaten our kingdom, demanding all our cunning and resources to keep them at bay. I need someone with your talents to help my son Louis prepare to someday lead an army in battle–and survive. Louis will shortly be crowned king of Neustria. I will appoint administrators for him over Neustria until he is prepared to assume control. In the interim, he will need to become a leader of men, on and off the battlefield.”

The king paused as if considering and then spoke with decisiveness. “I desire you to play a role in my son’s development. I offer you the position of companion, defender, and arms instructor of Prince Louis. Will you pledge to faithfully train Prince Louis in the very arts of battle you have mastered and defend him with your life, if necessary?”

Baldwin was momentarily stunned into silence. This was neither what he had expected nor wished for when he had set out on his journey. He had been trained to fight, and he was eager to prove himself in battle against his king’s many foes. What did he know of teaching a child prince? But this was the employment he was being offered. Baldwin was wise enough to know that this assignment was not only a great responsibility but also a great honor. He could do nothing but accept it.

“Sire,” he promised with all sincerity. “I will devote all that I am to achieve the result you desire.”

“Well spoken, Baldwin Iron Arm,” the king looked pleased. “Gauzlin, give Baldwin every resource necessary to accomplish his assignment. Dress him as a member of the royal household. If he is to be the future king’s companion, he must look the part. Oh, and find him quarters within the palace, readily available to Prince Louis.”

The king moved toward his throne and then turned back, “Serve me well, young Baldwin Iron Arm, and you may become a count in your own right, as your father was before you.”

Gauzlin appeared pleased as they left the palace and began walking back toward the barracks. “You acquitted yourself well, young Baldwin,” he grinned. “King Charles likes you. What are your feelings after meeting the king?”

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About the Author

A native of San Diego, California, D. H. Morris has lived on four continents and traveled through many countries. She has four children and eleven grandchildren and currently lives in Kansas City, Missouri. She graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre and Choral Music education and pursued graduate work in English at USU and law at the University of Utah. She is also a published playwright.

As a descendant of Judith and Baldwin, the author discovered their intriguing story while doing a genealogical project. This journey inspired her to research everything about the 9 th Century – including food, politics, travel, war, education, clothing, jewelry, religion, holidays, marriage customs, and medicine. She loves talking about this remarkable time in history when the European countries we know today were being formed and fighting for their very existence.



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Friday, October 11, 2024

She Talks to Eagles

 He’s shocked that the beautiful girl in the picture is alive…


She Talks to Eagles

by Maggie Blackbird

Genre: Paranormal Time-Travel Romance

He’s shocked that the beautiful girl in the picture is alive…

Maybe the stories of the notorious Route 66 are true. Road trips don’t result in encountering ghosts, but they do for Collin Bird.  When he spies a beautiful girl hitchhiking during a thunderstorm, he can’t believe his eyes.  It’s Rosemary, a young woman from his Ojibway community who went missing over forty years ago.

Rosemary Kakeway is dead.  Her only hope to reach the spirit world is Collin.  Before departing to the place of her ancestors, she seeks vengeance against her killers, and Collin is the man to help her do just that.

A ride with Rosemary through pea-soup fog brings Collin to 1977, where he meets a very much alive nineteen-year-old Rosemary.  The bold and wild girl is nothing like he imagined her to be as she introduces him to a time he embraces.  Knowing they are meant to be together, neither wishes to say goodbye, but that’s up to Rosemary’s spirit in the twenty-first century to decide.


: Learning during writing…

I always learn something when I’m writing and researching. Always. For this novel, I had to look deep into the Navajo Nation because I am Ojibway. When Collin and Rosemary are aided by a hataalii, I had to gather tons of information about the Navajo’s culture and beliefs. The most beautiful part of my discovery were the sandpaintings they create.

Sometimes research can lead my down many rabbit holes, which in turn gives me more story ideas. During my deep look into Route 66, I read very briefly about a massacre, but I can’t remember what exactly happened and where about it was. So there we go, more research, because I wouldn’t mind writing a story about it. I love historical romance. It’s my fave genre to read. And I wouldn’t mind doing a time-travel Route 66 again, this time going back into the deep past.

I’m no expert about my own people either. Just because I’m Ojibway doesn’t mean I have all the answers. So talking with others, and also digging deep into books is a big help.

I live in voyageur country, a trade route for the fur traders and voyageurs during the fur trade era. There was even a replica fort constructed I used to play at as a young girl. Learning so much about this area during that time period is awesome.

So yes, I’m always learning. I’m a lifelong student who enjoys non-fiction books as much as I do fiction novels.


Just as Collin set his fingers on the volume button, the corner of his eye caught the slim silhouette in his right headlight. Someone was out on the road in this mess? A woman?

He let his foot off the gas and downshifted, casting his gaze to the rearview mirror, but only his red taillights appeared.

With the windshield wipers continuing to zoom back and forth, he guided the car to the shoulder, shifted the stick to neutral, and engaged the emergency brake.

A shiver bumped down his spine. He tried to shake off the eeriness crawling along his skin. It wasn’t like a serial killer would lurk about on a stormy night. Way too cliché, something straight out of a horror movie.

He threw open the door and eased from the car, shouting, “Hello?”

The rain pelted his face, so he drew up the hood to his hoodie. Cupping both hands around his mouth, he again shouted, “Hello?”

Insane. There was nobody out here drowning in the rain. He got back inside the vehicle. What he saw… The eeriness on his skin intensified, and his heart boomed louder than the crackling thunder. How could this be? She was missing. Most likely dead. But there she sat in the passenger seat—Rosemary Kakeway, his best friend’s great aunt.

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About the Author

An Ojibway from Northwestern Ontario, Maggie resides in the country with her husband and their fur babies, two beautiful Alaskan Malamutes.  When she’s not writing, she can be found pulling weeds in the flower beds, mowing the huge lawn, walking the Mals deep in the bush, teeing up a ball at the golf course, fishing in the boat for walleye, or sitting on the deck at her sister’s house, making more wonderful memories with the people she loves most.


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Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Nephilim’s Fate

She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.


 The Nephilim’s Fate

War of the Nephilim Series Book 1

by Eliza Hampstead

Genre: Fantasy Romance

She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.

In the heart of London, Alissia's ordinary life takes a thrilling turn when she is attacked by bloodthirsty vampires. When Nate, the man she dreamed about for years, swoops in to save her, her reality shatters as she discovers a shocking truth: she's a witch, and he's a Nephilim. But their love is cursed, forbidden by ancient laws that threaten to tear their world apart.

As old rivalries resurface and dark secrets come to light, Alissia and Nate must confront their deepest fears and fight for their love, even if it means igniting a war between Heaven and Hell.

With unforgettable characters, steamy romance, and gripping plot twists, this captivating new fantasy series by award-winning author Eliza Hampstead delves into a world of angels and demons, forbidden love, and the inexorable power of fate.


Character Interview: Nate

Interviewer: Nate, you've spent your life fighting for the Nephilim and following orders without question. What changed when you met Alissia?

Nate: Meeting Alissia was like waking up from a dream I didn’t know I was having. I always thought I was doing the right thing by following orders, protecting our world from threats. But Alissia made me realise there’s more to life than just obeying commands. She made me question things, like why we accept the hierarchy and why we’re kept apart from those we love. With her, I started thinking for myself—and that changed everything.

Interviewer: How do you feel about your Nephilim heritage? Is there anything you struggle with regarding your nature?

Nate: I’m proud of who I am. Being a Nephilim means strength, the power to protect, to fight, and to heal. I love the feeling of flying, of being connected to something greater than myself. But there’s also a sadness in it. We can’t have children, and as much as I want a family with Alissia, that’s something I can’t give her. It’s a constant reminder that there are things even my powers can’t fix.

Interviewer: Alissia is a witch, and according to the old laws, love between you two is impossible. How did you feel when you realised she was the woman of your dreams?

Nate: It was like seeing my destiny unfold right before my eyes. I knew she was off-limits, that loving her could have serious consequences, but I also knew I couldn’t walk away. She’s my fate, and I believe we were meant to find each other. That’s why I can’t just follow orders anymore—I have to protect her, no matter the cost.

Interviewer: The magical world you live in is full of tension. How do you view the relationships between Nephilim, witches, fae, vampires, and demons?

Nate: It’s complicated, to say the least. Nephilim have always been seen as lower than witches, but higher than fae and vampires. There’s this delicate balance of power, but it’s fragile, always on the edge of breaking. I used to just do what I was told, without caring about the bigger picture. But now, I want to see a world where we can all live together peacefully. That’s why I’m working on forming alliances—with witches, fae, even angels. We need to stand united if we’re going to face what’s coming.

Interviewer: Speaking of what’s coming, Victorija, the leader of the vampires, is a significant threat. How far are you willing to go to protect Alissia and ensure a peaceful future?

Nate: As far as it takes. Victorija is dangerous, and if we don’t stop her, she’ll tear everything apart. I’m willing to risk everything—my life, my loyalty to my kind, even my place in the magical world—to protect Alissia and secure a future where we can all live without fear. If that means defying ancient laws or going against my own kind, so be it. Love and family come first.

Interviewer: You seem to value family above all else. How has your relationship with Yael, the young Nephilim you mentor, influenced your views on family?

Nate: Yael’s like a little brother to me. He’s lost so much, like many Nephilim children who are separated from their mothers. I hate that part of our culture—the idea that we have to grow up without knowing where we come from. It’s made me more determined to build a family of my own, to give Yael and others like him a better future where they can know love, not just duty.

Interviewer: What do you see for your future with Alissia? What’s your vision for the magical community?

Nate: I want a world where Alissia and I can live without fear, where we can build a family together—even if it’s not in the traditional sense. I envision a magical community where no one is superior to the other, where peace is possible, and where beings like us can follow our hearts without being punished for it. But to get there, we have to deal with Victorija and those who thrive on chaos. It won’t be easy, but it’s worth fighting for.

Interviewer: You mentioned that you had a conversation with your angelic father in Heaven. What was that experience like, both meeting him and being in Heaven?

Nate: Meeting my father was surreal. For so long, I was angry at him for abandoning my mother and me. But when I finally saw him, I realised that the answers I sought weren’t as simple as I thought. Heaven itself… it’s vast, almost overwhelmingly so. Everything is white, bright, and beautiful, but there’s a sadness to it, too. There are so few angels left, and the emptiness makes it feel lonely. It’s not the comforting place I imagined—it’s more like a reminder of what’s been lost.

Interviewer: How did your father explain his decision to leave you and your mother? Did that conversation bring you any peace?

Nate: He told me that his role as an angel wasn’t compatible with staying in the human world. He didn’t abandon us out of a lack of love but because he believed it was his duty to return to Heaven. If he stayed with my mother she would have perished from her blind love for him as she wouldn’t eat or drink or sleep when she was with him. He wanted to protect us from afar, in ways I couldn’t understand back then. Hearing his side of the story did bring me some peace, but it doesn’t erase the pain of growing up without him. Still, I’ve come to accept it, and we’ve made our peace with each other.

Interviewer: After visiting Heaven and speaking with your father, did your perspective on being a Nephilim or your role in the magical world change?

Nate: It did. Seeing Heaven, understanding its emptiness, and hearing my father’s reasons gave me a new perspective on my own life. I realised that being a Nephilim isn’t just about power or duty—it’s about connection. We’re the bridge between Heaven and Earth, and it’s up to us to decide how to use that role. My time in Heaven reinforced my belief that our world—our community—needs to come together, not be divided by fear or ancient laws. It’s made me more determined to fight for a future where beings like me, and those I love, can choose their own paths.

Interviewer: You’ve found your love with Alissia, but what about your close friends like Mike, Azariel, and Raph? How do you see their futures unfolding?

Nate: I’m incredibly lucky to have found Alissia, and I want the same happiness for my friends. Mike has Charlie, and they seem to balance each other out perfectly, even with all the chaos that comes with being close to us. As for Azariel and Raph, I believe they’ll find the same kind of love I have with Alissia. They’ve been through so much, and they deserve it. Maybe we’ll see their stories unfold in the future—I have a feeling that their journeys are just beginning.



“Not here. Out,” he growled through his teeth.

Nate released me and headed towards the backdoor. Sighing, I watched him leave, knowing I could either follow him or go home. However, I wanted answers. I wanted to get to know this guy for real after seeing him forever in my dreams. I shrugged and gave the other guys an apologetic smile before leaving through the back door. As I stepped outside, the darkness enveloped me, and the distant thumping of bass from inside was only a faint echo. A lantern nearby cast a dim glow, barely illuminating his face. He leaned against the yellow-brown brick wall with the back of his head on the stone and his eyes closed, taking a deep breath. Then, when he sensed me, he opened his eyes, looked at me, and crossed his arms over his chest. Nate radiated strength, reassurance, and imperturbability. I was drawn to this man. He looked so seductive, even more so because he didn’t intend to. Pictures flashed through my mind. Him naked over me, our breaths mingling as he pushed into me. Thinking of my nights with him, I didn’t want to talk; I wanted to taste and feel him at last. I’ve waited too long for this to happen. I craved his touch, his lips against mine.

I took a few steps towards him and stopped right before him, only centimetres separating us. By instinct, he touched my arms, slowly stroking my skin. My hands were on his waist, caressing over his stomach up to his chest muscles. It was all too familiar, exactly like in my dreams. Next, his hands would be on my hips, moving to my arse to squeeze my cheeks. I closed my eyes and stood on my tiptoes to reach for his kiss.

“Oh, Nate…,” I breathed.

Kiss me, for god’s sake. We’ve done this so often. My breath quickened, and I felt my pulse speed up. Would he kiss me? Did he want me as much as I wanted him? I waited for something to happen, but I felt no more arms around me, no kiss on my lips. Opening my eyes, I saw the battle going on in his mind. What was wrong? Raising my eyebrows, I looked at him. What was his next step? Would he make a move or just stand there for the rest of time? I bit my lower lip, and that triggered him somehow. The next second, I was pressed against the brick wall, his hands on my shoulders, and our bodies separated by his arm’s length.

“What are you doing, witch?” he hissed.

His question pissed me off. Why did he insult me? I wanted a kiss from him, not an organ. For seven agonising years, he had haunted my dreams, a constant reminder of what I could never have. And then, here he was, standing before me in all his glory, finally within my reach. My heart was racing, and my body was on fire with desire. I longed to feel his touch, to have his skin against mine, and to taste his lips on mine. The ache inside me grew stronger with every passing second that we were apart—a longing that consumed me entirely. It was a feeling of desperation, of needing him more than anything else in the world. And now that he was here, I couldn’t bear the thought of letting him go.

“What? Are you kidding me? What does it look like? Playing scrabble? No, I want your hands on me and your lips on mine. Is that so hard to understand?”

“Are you trying to kill me?” He was peeved at me for some reason. His breathing sped up, and his eyes were fixed on my lips. He swallowed visibly. I could still see the battle going on in his eyes.

“You’re killing me here right now! Are you blind or what? I want you. And don’t give me this rubbish that you aren’t attracted to me!” I practically shouted.

He still had his hands on my shoulders, but I could move my arms and placed them on his chest again. With every other guy, I would have walked away already. I never exposed myself that much, and almost begged them to touch me. Nate was different, though. I couldn’t leave that easily. He searched my eyes, and I could no longer conceal my vulnerability behind my aggressive behaviour. Why wouldn’t he kiss me? Did I imagine his attraction, and he had no interest? Would he leave me here for good, and I would be alone for the rest of my life?

“You really don’t know, do you?” He asked softly as he laid his forehead against mine.

“Know what?”

If you crave the intensity of Shadowhunters with an added dose of spice, don't miss out on this spellbinding series!


*Warning: strong language, steamy scenes, and graphic violence inside. Mention/Description of abduction, blood, death, rape, and torture.*

Praise for "The Nephilim's Fate":
"My new favorite series!" Readers’ Favorite,
"Delightfully sensuous and gripping with a dark edge and an epic feel." SPR,
"Excellent storytelling and masterful use of plot twists!", Literary Titan,
"A spicy and steamy paranormal romance that also has so much more than a reader would expect at the outset." Readers’ Favorite,


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**Don’t miss the rest of the books in the series!**

Find them on Amazon!


About the Author

Award winning author Eliza Hampstead, a scientist by training, lives with her family in the UK. When she's not writing, she spends her time as a geek. Playing all sorts of games (board games, video games, RPGs) and being a big fan of medieval history are only a few of the many hobbies she has. Passionate about fantasy, she's always planning her next adventure.

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The Girl of Many Crowns

The true story of a powerful Knight and a runaway Queen who unite to defy an empire.     The Girl of Many Crowns by D.H. Morris Genr...