Friday, January 31, 2025

White Picket Fences

 Behind Closed Words: Exploring the impact of miscommunications and misperceptions within families, delving into the chaos that ensues, even when driven by love.


White Picket Fences

Behind Closed Words Collection #1

by Kyle Ann Robertson

Genre: Women’s Fiction

White Picket Fences is a heartfelt family drama fueled by an honest story of motherhood, written for those of us caught up in our own self-searching journeys. The one thing Julie Cahill knows because of her transitory upbringing as a military brat is that she never had a hometown. So she has made sure her kids would grow up in one forever home, in a forever neighborhood, with lots of forever friends. Yet her dream of a permanent hometown has her feeling fenced in.

Set in the Delaware Bay area, Julie has achieved her dreams but struggles with having to accept invisibility, underappreciation, and being taken for granted by her family in trade for her unconditional love. Her guilt over not being available for her family on that one fateful day has her challenging karma by tightening her grip on her daughters and husband, ultimately pushing them away.


My father’s voice echoed in every movement of the second hand from the vintage desk clock he had passed down to his grandson. “Time. Heals. All. Wounds. Give. It. Time.” I was pretty sure there was not enough time in the universe to surmount the death of my son.

I summoned strength by running my hand over the collage of superhero posters: Captain America, Spider-Man, the Hulk. After today, the walls would be bare. The slight leathery, sport-locker smell of the light-blue room elicited visions of my darling son. And so, between therapy sessions, grief groups, and the several books I’d read on loss over the past year and a half, I digested my pain in a void forever in my heart. If it wasn’t going to get any better, then I had to learn to live in the now with my grief and help my family heal. I could understand that Curtis would never come home, but I couldn’t accept that he was gone forever. I called the incident an accident. Surely, an eleven-year-old dying from a brain aneurysm could be nothing but a mistake.

Curtis’s dearest possession, a team-signed baseball, rolled between my fingers and brought a smile to my face. On the hottest afternoon of his last summer, Curtis hit a home run in the ninth inning of his Majors All-Star Game. He tied up the longest, most boring, 1–0 game. He single-handedly brought a small stadium of zombies back to life. The echo of his laughter above the awakening crowd and his smile as he slept that night were forever locked inside my heart.

Draped over his karate trophy at just the right angle, I could easily read “Most Valuable Player” on the medal Curtis received from that game. The tears I had been holding back fell as our eight-year-old golden retriever entered the room, wanting his morning walk. Was he looking for Curtis too? Plopping on the corner of the twin bed, I ruffled the puffs of fur behind Roger’s ears as he settled at my feet. “I know, Rog. I know.” Together we shared the loss, which was no less today than it had been yesterday or all the yesterdays before then.

 I picked up book number eight of Darren Shan’s Cirque Du Freak, making sure the bookmark was secure where Curtis had left it. I smoothed out the wrinkles I had created in the superhero duvet cover and flipped the matching pillow, exposing the lump of Curtis’s hidden “Doggie.”  From inside the pillowcase, I pulled out the threadbare stuffed Doggie Curtis never slept without. But after one embarrassing sleepover with a few baseball buddies, I found Doggie tucked deep inside the pillowcase. Close by but hidden. Had everything not happened so fast in the days after Curtis’s incident, had I time to think about it, if I could have thought at all, I would have placed Doggie in the casket with Curtis.

“Come on, Rog. Let’s go for your walk.”

 Roger sauntered in front of me down the long hallway. I paused at the door to my art studio as the early morning light illuminated the painted canvas on my easel. I would get back to my latest com- mission as soon as I cleared my thoughts and got through this first step toward my family’s new normal. Silence came from behind the twins’ closed bedroom door across the hall. The twins were either still asleep or understandably tucked under their weighted comforters to delay the start of their day.

 By the time Roger and I made it to the sidewalk, pink and purple light seeped through the grays, but the sun hadn’t quite snuck above the horizon. I now walked Roger every morning and under- stood why Curtis never complained about this one chore. The boost of energy from the brisk stroll, the silent moments for clear thought, and the apparent joy it brought Roger was a great way to start every day.

 Although Roger stopped and smelled every yard, his tail never failed to wag. If only it were that easy. Stop and sniff and move on. I needed to move on, but not back to where I was before Curtis’s incident. Life had gotten stale, and as good as Michael was to me, I thought I wanted more, but I was wrong.

 The day of Curtis’s passing, I had taken some time, just a few meaningless hours, for myself. Time to catch up with an old friend, one visit. It wasn’t intended to be a secret. It just wasn’t anybody’s business.

Curtis’s death pushed me closer to my empty nest sooner than I’d ever wished and was not what I imagined when I said I was tired of being Mom and Mrs. just for an afternoon. Would things be different if it weren’t for my selfishness and for not appreciating what I already had? I’d apologized to the universe every which way since then.

I kicked a stone. It bounced and rolled down the sidewalk in front of me. Roger chased it down, sniffed, then snorted, not pleased with his discovery. As we walked, the neighborhood came alive. Lights switched on. People brewed coffee and brushed their teeth. Across the street, Mrs. Amberly rocked on her front porch, sipped coffee, and watched me with consideration. Old Mr. Pender stepped out in his bathrobe, shot up a quick wave, then searched the ground as if the newspaper at his feet had disappeared before his eyes. Mary Simon herded her three small children into her minivan. I caught her eye, but she looked away, overreacting to her oldest child climbing into the back seat. It had been more than eighteen months, and still, people felt the need to avoid me. But I understood. How many times could a person say, “Sorry you lost your son”?

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Book Trailer:

Not So Little Things

Behind Closed Words Collection #2

Tina Edwards loved her childhood and creating fairy houses, a passion shared with her father, a world-renowned architect. But at nine years old, she found him dead at his desk and is haunted by this memory. Tina's mother abruptly moved away leaving Tina with feelings of abandonment and suspicion. Raised by her loving, wheelchair-bound Aunt Liddy, her father's sister, 33 year old Tina has become a miniature room artist and cherishes the control she has over her life in Northeast Georgia as she works hard to please her beloved dead father's wishes of following in his footsteps in art and history. 


 At the same time Mr. Jake Martin, all six-foot three of him, with a heavy southern drawl and winsome dimple, hires Tina to build replicas of the original rooms of his own family's Victorian mansion purchased to turn into a B&B, Tina's estranged, dying mother re-enters her life with family secrets that must be told. Amid their research for Jake, Tina and her assistant find out that stories from his past were unfounded and prove that miscommunications and misperceptions passed down through families create unwarranted, painful separations, echoing Tina's life story.


In the split second the door was open, I locked eyes with the

 thin woman, her hair wrapped helmet-like in a scarf. Even with dark circles around her sunken eyes, the tube in her nose leading to a white box hanging off her shoulder, and the ridiculous-looking floral housecoat-type dress, I recognized Mary Jane Edwards instantly.

 “Tina, come on, open up.” She pounded with more strength than I thought possible. “Is this any way to treat your mother?”

 “Go away. You’re good at that. Just go away,” I said under my breath and leaned on my side of the door. The battle line was drawn. I refused to let the woman who abandoned me when I was nine years old walk into my life like no time had passed.

 “Tina, I’m not leaving until we talk,” Mary Jane said as she wiggled the door handle.

 You’ve got to be kidding me. Stretching and loosening my jaw, I backed away from her insistence. What on earth could she want from me after all this time? I stared at the door, shaking my head as if the action itself would send the woman away.

 “Come on, Christina, we need to talk,” she said with a crack in her voice as she wiggled the door handle and tried to force the door open.

With deep breaths in through my nose and then eased out through my mouth, I slowed my hammering heart, a technique I’d learned through years of therapy. But the long-buried memory of being dropped off at Aunt Liddys house for an hour, only for it to turn into forever, ached all over again. “You havent had a word to say in over twenty years, and I certainly have nothing to say to you… and dont break my frickin’ doorknob.” I yanked open the door.

 Holding on to the doorframe, Mary Jane took a step forward. “Thank you.

 Squeezing my eyes to expel visions from the last time I saw her, I allowed one word to exit my mouth. “Speak.

 “I’m not going to talk to you in this hallway.” She gripped the hanging white box as if using it for balance. “May I come in? Please?”

Still, the nine-year-old in me refused to budge.

 Mary Jane took a breath. With her attempt at more words, she wheezed, which led to chesty coughing.

 I winced as this woman, who was practically a stranger, dug a tissue from the purse hanging off her arm. She hiked up the strap on her shoulder, swung the white box to the front of her hip and adjusted a knob. After several deep inhales, she relaxed.

 Aunt Liddy would have been horrified had she seen me treat anyone like this, let alone my own mother. Truth be told, my behavior was appalling, even embarrassing, but what was I to do? With my aunts loving parenting, strategies from a knowledgeable therapist, and emotional support from my bestie, Nissa, I had painstakingly put in place a life that honored my late father, blocked out my estranged mother, and propelled me into an existence all my own, one I thoroughly enjoyed. I owed it to all of us not to go down this rabbit hole.

 But I had already stepped on the trigger. The steel jaws had snapped, trapping me between head and heart. With thoughts of hashing things out and never having to see her again, I resigned myself. “Just this once.” I lowered my shoulders and prayed I wouldnt regret letting her into my home. L’Air du Temps, the scent of my youth, passed by ever so slightly as Mary Jane entered.

 With my forehead pressed against the closed door, I took two deep breaths and got ready for battle. I pulled a rubber band off my wrist, piled my long brunette curls into a bun on the top of my head, and reminded myself that my difficult childhood had very little to do with me and a lot to do with the woman sitting on my couch. I peeked at the clock: 9:30 a.m. Was it too early to open a bottle of wine? Whipping around, ready to face my past, a loose curl fell down the side of my face. So much for being Miss Tough Guy.

 Mary Jane seemed out of place, sitting slumped and focused on her breathing in my living room, which reflected the mid- century home my father had built for her where she always dressed picture-perfect, behaving like royalty. Seeing her now, in her unbecoming pink floral housedress in contrast to my sleek, custom-built, 1920s-inspired, fluted-back, Art Deco couch bewildered me. Who was this woman interrupting the ethos of my condo?

 Even with a mildly warming heart, I couldnt let go of my veil of protection. “Talk.

 She began. “I know its been a long time, and we have a few things to work out.

 A few? Jesus, Mother, you’re unbelievable. You. Left. Me. Remember?”

Will you sit? Please? I need to explain a few things I thought Liddy had told you long ago. I’m surprised she never...” Mary Janes cough snuck up on her again, but I still refused to sit.

 Aunt Liddy? I paced, waiting for Mary Jane to get her cough under control. She had no business bringing Aunt Liddy into this. Liddy was like a mother to me. She had raised me from the age of nine. Liddy took me to buy my first bra. She listened when I lost my first crush and cheered me on when I graduated from high school and college, then moved into my own apartment as I attempted to enter adulthood.

 Aunt Liddy?” I questioned once Mary Janes cough subsided. “You, Mom. Lets talk about you. I saw you last year at Liddys funeral. You didnt stick around long enough to talk to me.” I paced, unclasped my tense hands, and glued my arms to my sides to keep them from flailing in anger. “You know what? This isnt going to go anywhere. You need to leave. I cant do this. I dont need you to tell me we have to talk because I know theres nothing to say.” I marched to the door and yanked it open.

 “Tina, I know showing up like this is a shock, but I dont know how much time I have left to straighten things out with you. I have lung cancer. I’ve quit my job and would like to be with you during the experimental treatment I’ve signed up for.

 I froze. Oh, no. No way. No way will my mother do this to me. Mary Jane could not come into my home and drop a bomb of this caliber. The walls of my carefully assembled life began to crumble.

 “Shut the door, Tina. We really need to talk.” She pulled a large folded manilla envelope out of her purse and laid it on the coffee table.

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About the Author

Since achieving her Creative Writing Certificate from Emory University, Kyle Ann has authored the children's book series " Nissa The Woodland Fairy." as writer BB Walsh. is the CWO (Chief Writing Officer) of the blog IF CORKS COULD TALK. And now her first novel WHITE PICKET FENCES with more to come. Kyle Ann's a retired Physical Therapist Assistant with most of her education coming from raising four children who are all out of college, happy in their own space, and paying their own bills! She spends as much time as possible reading, writing, golfing, gardening, and enjoying a glass of wine with friends and family.


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Audiobook of White Picket Fences,

Audiobook of Not So Little Things

-1 winner each!

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Beyond Earth

 Discover passion among the stars…

Blast off to the future with this limited-edition collection of sizzling, science fiction romance stories!


Beyond Earth

Romance Collections Limited Editions book 14

A Limited Edition Collection of Sci-Fiction Romance

with stories by

Celia Breslin, Stephanie Morris, Candice Gilmer, Leslie Chase,

 Alina Riley, Robin O’Connor, Sky Robert, Lola Blix


Discover passion among the stars…

Blast off to the future with this limited edition collection of sizzling, science fiction romance stories!

Otherworldly seduction and intergalactic adventures await you in these high-heat, open-door tales from a diverse group of authors. Meet alien gladiators, cyborgs, AI lifeforms, psychic aliens, interstellar royalty, psy-changelings, fearless humans, and more. Visit alien worlds, travel on high-tech vessels, and immerse yourself in red-hot seduction blazing brighter than any quasar.

The Beyond Earth anthology is a pulse-pounding, toe-curling journey into the cosmos. If you enjoy out-of-this-world romance with guaranteed happily ever afters, lovers from different worlds, fated mates, enemies to lovers, grumpy-sunshine, rescue romance, and more, then you’ll love this treasure trove of spicy, steamy, futuristic stories.

Order your copy of Beyond Earth to begin your passion-filled voyage into the galaxy today!

Including stories by:

Candice Gilmer - NY Times and USA Today bestselling author

Stephanie Morris - USA Today bestselling author

Leslie Chase - USA Today bestselling author

Alina Riley

Robin O’Connor

Celia Breslin

Sky Robert

Lola Blix


Book Talk with Celia Breslin

Influential books/authors back in the day…

When I was younger, I had a real love-hate relationship with Stephen King’s books. I started reading his work when I was a teenager. I didn’t want to like horror by any author (because, scary! Bad dreams! Ack!), but he’s a fantastic writer. Seriously, his stories are sooooo good, I had no choice but to love them. “The Shining” was my absolute favorite, at times so scary then also laugh-out-loud funny. “Pet Sematary,” “Christine,” and “Fire Starter” were also real page-turners. And one of his stories made me cry: “The Stand.”

Reading habits…

I read a lot, finishing at least one book per week, and, I’m often reading more than one story at a time. For example, this week I’m currently reading: BEYOND EARTH sci-fi romance anthology (the other stories in the collection), “The Ruthless Note,” by Nelia Alarcon (contemporary romance), Zodiac Academy’s “Cursed Fates,” by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti (fantasy romance), and a writing craft book. I tend to read a lot of series but also enjoy standalones, too. For a series, it’s fun to binge-read the entire thing when I discover a new-to-me series that has been out a while (like the Zodiac Academy), but I also don’t mind reading one novel in a series and then waiting for the next ones to be published. For example, Heather Long wrote two series where I was so hooked that I could never have waited for the entire collections to arrive. I had to buy each one the second she published it. If you like dark, reverse harem, why-choose romance, check them out:  the 82nd Street Vandals Series and the Bay Ridge Royals Series.

Writing stories and playing favorites…

I find the act of storytelling energizing. I struggle with insomnia from time to time, but no matter how sleepy I might be, when I dive into my current work-in-progress (WiP), I get a nice jolt of energy. Matcha and almond milk lattes help, too, LOL. I find that research often boosts my energy level, too. The downside of book research is that looking up one thing often leads to another, and another, and before I know it, I’ve lost a chunk of writing time to a massive research rabbit hole. Oops!

Now, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I have favorite characters, and sometimes, they aren’t the main character. In my vampire series, The Tranquilli Bloodline, my favorite character is the heroine’s mentor, Jonas. An ancient vampire originally from England, Jonas embodies extreme violence in a pretty package. He’s a man of few words, dark and moody, fiercely loyal and violently protective of those few people he loves (such as Carina the main character). I adore him so much that I gave him his own short story, VAMPIRE CODE. In my new sci-fi romance series, Cyborg Guardians of the Aurora, one of the supporting cast members in “Claiming Kaden” (the story currently in the BEYOND EARTH collection) charmed me so much I bumped up writing his story from last to second. I’m working on it right now. His name is Trace and he’s a tech-savvy, smack-talkin’ handsome devil who will meet his match in a mostly human hacker chick.

Happy Reading!




Book Talk with Celia Breslin

Influential books/authors back in the day…

When I was younger, I had a real love-hate relationship with Stephen King’s books. I started reading his work when I was a teenager. I didn’t want to like horror by any author (because, scary! Bad dreams! Ack!), but he’s a fantastic writer. Seriously, his stories are sooooo good, I had no choice but to love them. “The Shining” was my absolute favorite, at times so scary then also laugh-out-loud funny. “Pet Sematary,” “Christine,” and “Fire Starter” were also real page-turners. And one of his stories made me cry: “The Stand.”

Reading habits…

I read a lot, finishing at least one book per week, and, I’m often reading more than one story at a time. For example, this week I’m currently reading: BEYOND EARTH sci-fi romance anthology (the other stories in the collection), “The Ruthless Note,” by Nelia Alarcon (contemporary romance), Zodiac Academy’s “Cursed Fates,” by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti (fantasy romance), and a writing craft book. I tend to read a lot of series but also enjoy standalones, too. For a series, it’s fun to binge-read the entire thing when I discover a new-to-me series that has been out a while (like the Zodiac Academy), but I also don’t mind reading one novel in a series and then waiting for the next ones to be published. For example, Heather Long wrote two series where I was so hooked that I could never have waited for the entire collections to arrive. I had to buy each one the second she published it. If you like dark, reverse harem, why-choose romance, check them out:  the 82nd Street Vandals Series and the Bay Ridge Royals Series.

Writing stories and playing favorites…

I find the act of storytelling energizing. I struggle with insomnia from time to time, but no matter how sleepy I might be, when I dive into my current work-in-progress (WiP), I get a nice jolt of energy. Matcha and almond milk lattes help, too, LOL. I find that research often boosts my energy level, too. The downside of book research is that looking up one thing often leads to another, and another, and before I know it, I’ve lost a chunk of writing time to a massive research rabbit hole. Oops!

Now, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I have favorite characters, and sometimes, they aren’t the main character. In my vampire series, The Tranquilli Bloodline, my favorite character is the heroine’s mentor, Jonas. An ancient vampire originally from England, Jonas embodies extreme violence in a pretty package. He’s a man of few words, dark and moody, fiercely loyal and violently protective of those few people he loves (such as Carina the main character). I adore him so much that I gave him his own short story, VAMPIRE CODE. In my new sci-fi romance series, Cyborg Guardians of the Aurora, one of the supporting cast members in “Claiming Kaden” (the story currently in the BEYOND EARTH collection) charmed me so much I bumped up writing his story from last to second. I’m working on it right now. His name is Trace and he’s a tech-savvy, smack-talkin’ handsome devil who will meet his match in a mostly human hacker chick.

Happy Reading!



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Claiming Kaden by Celia Breslin

Sparks fly when a battle-hardened cyborg rescues a sassy human lost in the cosmos…

Earth-girl Calie is out of hope. Kidnapped, enslaved, then abandoned by aliens, she’s sure to suffer a slow death on their stupid space station. Then new trouble arrives, claiming her as their property, but hot on their heels is a grumpy guy with a big hot bod and blazing eyes… The thrill setting her skin afire has less to do with potential rescue or New Guy’s battle prowess, and everything to do with the way he looks at her.

Cyborg soldier Kaden is unamused by his enemy’s unhealthy interest in the vulnerable lone female with a sharp tongue and wild braids. Her terrible aim is complicating his rescue attempts, but her bravery, stubbornness, and velvet voice send electric need through both his human and cybernetic systems. He’ll do anything to save her.

Kaden wants to explore his attraction to Calie and claim her as his, but his sworn enemy’s relentless pursuit and Calie’s own skittishness challenge his goal. Calie appreciates all the cyborg has done for her, but she’s homesick and unsure about diving into a relationship, even if the hunky cyborg is the nicest man and best kisser in the universe.

While the enemy horde stalks them across the galaxy, can they learn to trust each other with both their lives and their hearts?

CLAIMING KADEN is a spicy, open-door, Fated Mates Rescue Romance, and the first installment in Celia Breslin’s CYBORG GUARDIANS OF THE AURORA science fiction romance series. If you like take-no-prisoners cyborgs and sassy heroines, sizzling seduction and intergalactic adventure, check out CLAIMING KADEN today!


About the Author

Celia Breslin lives in San Francisco, California, USA, with her family, which includes three feisty felines who like to stalk across her keyboard while she’s hard at work crafting urban fantasy, sci-fi and paranormal romances. Her current creature obsessions are cyborgs, the Fae, vampires, wolf shifters, and warrior-class angels, and her action-packed stories include some of her favorite tropes: fated mates, second chances, rescue romance, opposites attract, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, and more.


When not glued to her laptop, Celia likes to work out, read books (of course!), hang with her family, and binge-watch sci-fi and fantasy TV shows and movies. Matcha lattes keep her fueled for All The Life Stuff!



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Monday, January 27, 2025


 Love ignites in a world where trust is scarce, and the stakes are life or death.



Hades Abyss MC 13

by Harley Wylde

Genre: Contemporary MC Romance


Love ignites in a world where trust is scarce and the stakes are life or death.

In the shadows of a world where danger lurks around every corner and loyalty and love can be the deadliest weapons of all, two souls are drawn together by fate.


 I was only fifteen when I ran away from home. Or rather, the nightmare I’d ended up in, after my parents died. I’d known living on the streets wouldn’t be easy, but I also hadn’t planned to nearly freeze to death in an alley five years later. The biker who found me, nursed me back to health, and promised to keep me safe was unlike anyone I’d ever met before. When we found out my uncle would be paroled, there was no doubt he’d try to find me. After all, he’d think I was the one who turned him in. But somewhere along the way, I started to fall in love with Breaker. Now I’ll do anything for him.



I’ve been with the Hades Abyss since I was a teenager. Back then I went by Teller Reed, until I earned my patch. These people are my family. I never thought I’d be willing to break all the rules and defy the club president. Then I found Juniper nearly dead in an alley. I’ve always believed in Fate, and I have no doubt I was led to her for a reason. Now she’s mine, and I’ll do whatever it takes to hold onto her… even if it means getting my hands dirty. If her uncle thinks he can come and take her from me, he’d better reconsider… because if he even tries, I’m putting him six feet under.

As nights grow darker and stakes escalate, will their bond be enough to withstand the ultimate test?

WARNING: Breaker is a slow-burn steamy romance recommended for readers 18+ due to adult situations, language, and violence. It can be read as a stand-alone but may be enjoyed more if the series is read in order. Guaranteed HEA, no cheating, and no cliffhanger!


 The Writers in My Life

Sometimes people wonder if I’m the only writer in my family. I’m the only published author, however, there are a few other writers in my family. Each of them has talents in other areas. Except my daughter, she’s probably the closest to writing similar books to mine.

I have no idea if there are writers further back in my family or not. At least, not in my direct line. I do have a few famous “cousins” – Agatha Christie is my 10th cousin once removed, Emily Dickinson is my 7th cousin three times removed, and Henry David Thoreau is an even more distance relation (5th cousin six times removed).

As far as my close family… My paternal grandfather used his talent to write sermons, but I’ve been told he was really good at it. My maternal grandmother not only published multiple magazine articles, but before she passed away, she’d been working on a novel. Sadly, she never got the chance to finish it, and I have no idea what happened to the file. And the last two writers in the family are my children. My son doesn’t want to use his talent, sadly. He does a great job writing short horror fiction, but has no desire to publish anything. Yes, I keep hoping he’ll change his mind. My daughter has published a book of poems (The Internal Destruction of Ourselves by Devin Lee), and has been (very slowly) working on a novel for the last year or two. She has trouble staying focused, so I’m not sure how long it will take her to complete it. 

I guess you could see writing is in my blood. I always felt like it was a career I sort of fell into, but I’d like to think it’s something I was destined to do.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the Hades Abyss MC books!**


Find them on the Author’s Website!


About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book. She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies. Visit Wylde's website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and don't forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts and other exciting perks.



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Harley Wylde multi-series swag pack (US Only),

$15 Amazon giftcard (WW) – 1 winner each!

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When the Baby Is NOT OK:

An Intimate journey that navigates today's most pressing women's issues.   When the Baby Is NOT OK: Hopes and Genes by Jenn...