Friday, November 29, 2024

A Pioneer Christmas Beyond the Oregon Trail

Can the love that binds this family deliver Christmas miracles?

Or will the unforgiving wilderness crush their holiday spirit?


A Pioneer Christmas Beyond the Oregon Trail

A Ghosts Among the Oregon Trail Holiday Novella

by David Fitz-Gerald

Genre: Historical Holiday Western Adventure

Dorcas and her family endured a harrowing trip along the Oregon Trail in 1850. Now, they face their first brutal winter in the rugged wilderness. Can they survive the harsh realities of frontier life?

Devastating setbacks threaten their lives, crush their hopes, and test their faith in timeless traditions. Their cabin is unfinished. Wild animals shred their tents, ruin their food supply, and wreck their camp. As winter closes in, a powerful storm strikes their remote homestead. How much more can they endure?

Dorcas suggests skipping Christmas to focus on survival, but her children balk. They don't want to give up on the cherished holiday. Is Christmas a luxury they can't afford?

When her husband, Agapito, fails to return from a critical supply run, Dorcas ventures into the wilderness with a rifle in search of food for her children. She must brave the elements as a mountain lion stalks her through a violent winter storm.

Can the love that binds this family deliver Christmas miracles? Or will the unforgiving wilderness crush their holiday spirit?

Start reading A Pioneer Christmas Beyond the Oregon Trail today. Get wrapped up in this gripping western adventure of love, survival, and the enduring power of hope. Perfect for fans of frontier fiction and heartwarming holiday tales, this novella will keep you on the edge of your seat.


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About the Author

David Fitz-Gerald writes westerns and historical fiction. He is the author of twelve books, including the brand-new series, Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail set in 1850. Dave is a multiple Laramie Award, first place, best in category winner; a Blue Ribbon Chanticleerian; a member of Western Writers of America; and a member of the Historical Novel Society.

Alpine landscapes and flashy horses always catch Dave’s eye and turn his head. He is also an Adirondack 46-er, which means that he has hiked to the summit of the range’s highest peaks. As a mountaineer, he’s happiest at an elevation of over four thousand feet above sea level.

Dave is a lifelong fan of western fiction, landscapes, movies, and music. It should be no surprise that Dave delights in placing memorable characters on treacherous trails, mountain tops, and on the backs of wild horses.


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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Dark Sun

The unit was sent to Durham to fight what is essentially a zombie infestation


Dark Sun 

C Troop, 1-5 Kommando Book 1

by Eric Johnson

Genre: Military Science Fiction


After the events in 2-4 Cavalry Story 15: In the Pit of Vipers and under a new Troop commander, Captain Karl Bradi, the unit is redesignated C Troop 1-5 Kommando. After their deployment to Earth the unit is resting and refitting, and also cleaning up holdouts on Friesland. Despite this, they are sent to Durham, a planet in the Independent Planets that suffers what is loosely described as a zombie infestation. The unit fights monsters, both real and human, in order to survive on the planet.



Sergeant Desi Hernandez looked through his scope and scanned the ridgeline. It had been weeks since they went on a mercenary mission, and now they were back to ridding the planet of Friesland of the holdouts. To him, it was a good thing when they killed the enemy, as there wouldn’t be more trying to pierce the blockade that was run when it was known as Mashara. Sighing he saw nothing, but given the reports that there was an enemy, none was showing their face, so he stopped scanning and looked at his spotter for a second, then went back to scanning. Movement. He saw the head bob up and quickly down, unsure if he had a helmet on or not. “Come on you fucker, put your head up.” He said as he adjusted the aimpoint of the scope, bringing it onto where the head bobbed up.

“You’d figure they would get the hint.” Sergeant Shandek said as she too covered the area where Hernandez was looking. She had put down her spotting imager and was just as determined to shoot the enemy as he was. She saw some movement in her scope, and she took aim and fired, sending a projectile toward the bobbing head. It missed, but it drove the target’s head up, and then another crack and it exploded as the round impacted and penetrated it. There was no helmet to soften the blow, so the person died instantly, the body sliding back down into the foxhole it was hiding in.

“Well, it worked, though unplanned.” Sergeant Hernandez said while he continued to scan for more targets. Nothing more presented iself, and he figured that was the only inhabitant anyway. Reports said so.

“Glad to be of assistance.” Sergeant Shandek said with some sarcasm as she too continued to scan. “You think there are more?”

“Of course, they never left.” Sergeant Hernandez said in a near-whisper as he focused on scanning for more targets. It had been some time since they left Earth, and while that deployment didn’t entail much shooting on his part, he figured that it was worth some of his time, but he did want to leave the unit. He was enamored with mercenary life and secretly liked the mercenary-style missions that the unit did perform. To him that seemed to offer more freedom for him and Shandek was learning the ropes quite well, so she could take over his job anytime. However, he didn’t re-enlist so he had some time before his current contract ran out. And he had been saving his money for the time when he left. It was a sad thing, given his situation, but he wanted to explore the known universe and conduct missions on his terms.

“Yeah, suggest we keep the team in their positions?”

“Yeah, they don’t need to move around too much, there’s not much out here anyway, and we have a better shot at killing them.” Sergeant Hernandez said as he scanned the area. It had been a good day today; the weather was beautiful and not too annoying. But it was hot, and he didn’t like that fact as he continued to look around the area of the dead hostile. He figured that it wouldn’t last, being on Friesland a good day was rare, and the forecast did include a dust storm tomorrow, but not around him. And it was up to the CO to determine if his squad would stay out overnight, as they had another sweep of this area.


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About the Author

Eric Johnson is a military veteran, and a self-published author who served in the US Army and US Army National Guard for twelve years and three years respectively. He currently lives in Baltimore and spends his time writing stories based on his past experiences as well as using current events to focus on counter-insurgency as well as other related topics. His primary genre is military science fiction (5th KommandoC Troop 1-5 Kommando2-4 Cavalry series, and the Eagle Hammer Universe series), and he has written a few books in other genres as well, including fantasy (Tales of Baromir series).


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Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 The Source is hunting Talents… but Kara Jester is no distressed damsel...



The Price of Talent Book 1

by AK Nevermore

Genre: Spicy Dystopian SciFi Romance

On an alternate earth, a cataclysm has altered a subset of the population. Talents are persecuted for their psychic and physical mutations, giving rise to two conflicting societies based upon maintaining genetic purity. And the Source, a shadowy corporate entity dependent upon the exploitation of captive Talents, is hunting them…

The city of Glynfyls is burning.

And Flynn Scot is powerless to stop it. Now that his status is in question, the Assembly is calling for his head. The only thing keeping it on his shoulders is the commons rioting with the demand he be made Overlord.

Fluctuating between extremes, Kara’s talent deficiency is becoming critical.

With her body failing and Flynn at the Assembly’s mercy, Kara Scot has no choice but to take his seat and fight for her House. But clearing Flynn’s name and battering herself against the tide of public censure threatens to drag her under.

So does the wave of Humanity Purists marching toward Glynfyls.

No Talent is safe outside the city. Refugees flock to the north fleeing extermination only to find a metropolis torn by prejudice and fear. Unless Flynn and Kara can find a way to survive the machinations of the Assembly, there will be nothing standing between them and annihilation. Because even if they survive the extremists, Titus’s army is following in their wake ready to harvest whatever is left.


Glynfyls was burning.

Flynn stared out the window of the Assembly Hall, overlooking the eastern spokes of the city. Beyond the wavy glass, the rising sun was a crimson smear across the smoke-streaked horizon. Below, the clamor of an angry mob rioted through the streets.

They were pissed.

How the hell a cluster fuck of this magnitude had gotten kicked off last night—he scrubbed at his face. Shit. He knew exactly how.

His hand rose and talent the color of old blood flickered between his fingers, sparking off and singeing the carpet. He scuffed it out with his boot, jaw clenching. After the past few weeks of trying to play the goddamned part, hed fucking split when he put Riegel down and, caught in a catch twenty-fucking-two, the entire city had seen him do it.

But if he hadnt, the boost the Breaker was rigged with wouldve blown Glynfyls to shit. Flynn sighed. Instead of the city, everything hed worked for had gone with Riegel into the hereafter. Christ, Julia and Lord Morris must be having a fucking field day with this. Both of them would be in chambers now, smug as shit, lambasting the room with big fat I-told-you-sos…

God, he was gonna puke. Dual-Talents couldnt hold office, and hed used both a Shades talent to phaze away the blast, and a shit ton of Breaker ability, publicly. Hed saved the city only to hand it over to Julia, and shed pass it right on to Titus.

His eyes closed, seeing it all play out. Legally, he was screwed. The Shades were gonna abjure him from his seat on the Assembly. Lords Klein and Ketsing, the Fixer and Binder Firsts thatd pledged their lines fealty to him, would pull their support. Then Crandall would bury him. Hes gleefully drive the last nail into Flynns coffin by tying him to the Sons thatd been slaughtered out on the plateau.

And as for Phyllis and Markham? Neither one of them was gonna do a fucking thing. No, check that. Markham would mop the sweat from his brow when they came at Flynn with a rope to hang him. Couple of minutes swinging, then done deal, Flynnd be in a box and theyd be back to business as usual.

Until Titus sent in his troops and Peacekeepers harvested the lot of them.

I wish I was a fucking twist, then I wouldnt have to pretend…”

Of all the wishes hed ever made, it figured that would be the one granted. God had to love fucking with him.

Kara pushed up under his arm. We can tell them it was me—”

No. I wont lie about it.” Theyd gone over this. If Merchant couldnt get him off, hed cloak them at Meddleton until the baby was born, then head west. Disappear. Hed done it before, he could do it again. He kissed the top of Karas head, wrapping his arms around her.

You should try and sleep.”

She laughed, the strain of the past twenty-four hours etched across her brow. Once the adrenaline from the bout last night at the Pony had faded, Riegels death had triggered a cascade of memories. Each one left her more brittle than the last, and that damned talent debilitation plaguing her pregnancy was back. Add to it being locked up in this goddamned conference room without any idea of what was going on other than one hell of a shit show…

Christ. What a fucking mess.

The door opened and Merchant hustled in, looking grim. His suit was rumpled and his grey-streaked hair awry. A servant came in after him and set a coffee service and two plates of eggs on the conference table. Flynns stomach growled. Damn, he could go for—Kara turned to his chest, pale with nausea. Goddamn it, he needed to get her home.

Take it away, please.”

The woman looked at him in surprise, then wet her lips, glancing at Merchant. She pulled a scrap of paper from the napkin, holding it out with trembling fingers, and flashed her colors. Thin rings of fuchsia pulsed around her irises. It was the signal Flynn and Dorian had agreed upon for when the Finder had turned something up on Crandall.

Flynn took it from her, and she bobbed a curtsy, fist to heart. Vassal to Overlord. He snorted, like that was gonna fucking happen—his temper spiked at the contents of the note, and it smoldered where he gripped it. Damn it—His anger was too close. Too easy to pull from. All this time, is that what that constant simmering rage had been? Talent just waiting to come out?

I suggest you cloak this conversation.” Merchant frowned, tossing a newspaper onto the table. Theyre attempting to charge you with inciting the commons.”

Flynns jaw dropped, note forgotten. Thats not—His halos flared verdigris, cloaking them. But they all saw—”

A great deal of talent being used. As evidenced by that front page still and multiple reels. You havent developed concentric halos. By definition, a twist evidences a dual-halo, and without a second ring around your irises, you cannot be considered as such. Additionally, without confirmation from the Breaker line as to whom was doing what, any and all charges are unsubstantiated, and will be treated as libel and or slander. Now, I suggest we focus on the matter at hand.” He snapped open his briefcase.

The matter at—are you serious?” He—there was no way—how was this not about him splitting? Was Merchant seriously getting him off on semantics? Shit, Cal had said he was good, but no one could be that good.

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**Don’t miss the other books in the series!**



The Price of Talent Book 1

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The Price of Talent Book 2

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**Get the Prequel Breeder FREE!!**


About the Author

AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time.

She pays the bills editing, wielding a wicked hot pink pen and writing a column on SFF. She also belongs to the Authors Guild, is a chapter treasurer for the RWA, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.


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Monday, November 25, 2024


While investigating a viral internet game, 17 year old Thea Riggs stumbles upon a series of unsolved murders and the global crime syndicate that orchestrated them. Can she alone bring down a secret crime syndicate, or is the cost of justice too high?



by Lisa Towles

Genre: YA Psychological Thriller, Suspense

Thea Riggs is shocked by a dead body in the empty house she was summoned to. It feels like a setup, like she’s being framed for murder. By the time she discovers a connection between the body and the internet game everyone’s playing, it’s too late. They know she’s onto them. Now she’s their next target.

Lured to an underground San Francisco lab, she pieces together the hidden agenda behind what she’s seen – scientific experiments, a secret society of operatives, a labyrinth of lies hiding a decades-old cold case. She’s in deep and knows too much, but now they’ve threatened her mother. Can she alone bring down a secret crime syndicate, or is the cost of justice too high?

Specimen is an action-packed, Young Adult contemporary thriller. Fans of Blake Crouch and James Rollins will love Lisa Towles’ technical thrill ride. Join Thea’s quest for the truth and Buy Specimen today.





“Is that you?” I asked, unsure. Her voice sounded dreamy. And who

answers the phone that way?

Now an exhaustive sigh.

“Lise, answer me!”

“What was the question again?” I heard her footsteps on the other end,

walking slowly, rhythmically on a hard surface.

“Where are you right now?”

“How is that relevant?” she clipped back. Salty. That sounded more

like her.

“Because! I’m a–” My words caught in my throat. I wiped my eyes

and coughed, hoping to swallow the feeling of horror. “I’m at your house,

where-you-summoned-me, where your—” Breathe, Thea. “Why did you

run?” My raspy voice ricocheted against the marble walls of the colossal


“I’ve got nothing to say.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“Well ask me something easier then.”

I had no time to pause and think, to consider a strategy or explain the

shocking circumstances to the part of my brain grasping for reason.

“Why call me in the first place, then?”

The footsteps halted. I now heard the roar of cars on the other end of

the phone; she was outside. I ran to one of the front windows. No sign of

her platinum hair or Burberry trench.

“You’re just leaving me here?? What about the police? Who does


“Couldn’t be helped.” Her monotone told me she was dissociating

from the situation, which might imply she was as upset as I was. Or maybe

that was just a fairy tale.

“What do I tell them?” I whispered.

“Cops? Whatever you want. You know nothing so they won’t waste

time on you.”

“Cut it out.” I moved from the front windows back to the same spot

inside the front door, where I’d placed the call. A safe distance from the

kitchen. Then my emotions caved in, sobs rippling out through my nose

and mouth. My eyes were a mess. I couldn’t wipe the tears fast enough.

“Calm down, Thea.”

“Calm down? Are you high? They’re gonna ask me what I know about


“My dead mother? No kidding. Believe me, she’s better off this way.

We all are.”

She’d said the words finally – dead mother. So I hadn’t imagined it?

Now I needed to close it up and get the hell out of here. “Lise, did you—”

A thud from the kitchen yanked my attention from my phone. I felt the

vibration under my feet. Maybe Lise hadn’t actually killed her. Maybe the

killer was still here.

Chapter 1

Blood pooled under the mop of the woman’s dark brown hair, her skin a

horrid chalky color, gray almost, body awkwardly twisted like she’d been

on her way somewhere and shocked by the thrust of something blunt and

resolute intended to stop the beat of her heart, or at least her intentions. As

to what—I hadn’t gotten there yet. Was it a good day to die?

I stared down at her body from the kitchen doorway, one hand

covering my mouth to quell the shaking in my soul. I knew her. How

could this possibly be real?

The house was quiet except for the howl of wind, the Fenning’s giant

sycamore scraping the east side of the house like a demon’s fingernail.


Something made me turn, not a sound exactly, more like a sensation. I

gazed at the upstairs landing that overlooked a foyer the size of a

basketball court. A much better vantage point to say the least. I tore up the

stairs and pancaked myself to the cold tiles. My erratic pulse banged in my

ears. Tha-thump, tha-thump. Breathe, Thea. Breathe. Okay, my frantic

brain re-engaged for the moment, I could see this was a much safer place

to assess. The woman’s lower half was visible from here on the marble

floor beside the island – dark gray pants, expensive black heels, one of

them on and the other three inches from her body exposing a bare, grayish

foot. Lying on my stomach, pain jarred me from the phone in my pocket—

glass on bone. I hadn’t pulled it out yet or called for help because I needed

time to gather my wits, I had no idea what I’d say and, more importantly,

what if her killer was still here?

I used to think a day that began with a game of cards was destined to

be good. With a father and grandfather in the Navy, of course I grew up

playing cards. I could beat them both at cribbage by the time I was fifteen,

or maybe they let me win. There was something about numbers that had

always comforted me, like a tacit reminder of the ordered universe despite

all the visual evidence of chaos. And cribbage was a game that valued

numbers and pairs, and in my fragile heart that symmetry felt, somehow,

like safety. Okay sure, life in the Marshall Islands was a little sheltered,

but my dad wanted it that way. My mother disagreed and tried to move us

all to San Francisco, where we’d have the support of her family along with

the contemporary imprint of urban life. She won the battle but lost the

war. My father remained five thousand miles away in Majuro Atoll, and

after my brother Rudy died she and I built a new life in San Francisco’s

Mission District without them. The culture and beauty of my Islander

roots lives in my heart forever but honestly failed to prepare me for the

spectacle of Roberta Fenning’s bludgeoned body. Could anything have?

Rudy died on his seventeenth birthday, my age now, which my mother

said was like being erased by the universe and twice as bad as just losing

him. Now we can’t even celebrate his birthday without reliving the trauma

of his loss. The closest thing I had to a brother now was Fergus Wilde, my

best friend since the third grade.

“Stop dreaming and cut the deck,” Fergus had said this morning while

we drank coffee on the floor of my bedroom, preparing for another game

of cribbage during the lazy, summer lull before college. And I had been

daydreaming while he decided which cards to throw in the crib. Nothing I

hated more than wasting time. And there was nothing I wanted more than

A razor sharp, edge of your seat thriller"

 - The Prairies Book Review
"A sharp, thought-provoking examination of technology's dark side and the elusive nature of truth"

- BookView Reviews
"A rollercoaster ride of a story that readers will find exhilarating and heart stopping"

- San Francisco Book Review
"A gripping thriller for readers who love mystery, suspense, ambition, betrayal, and intrigue" - Literary Titan


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About the Author

Lisa Towles is an award-winning, Amazon bestselling crime novelist and a passionate speaker on the topics of fiction writing, creativity, and Strategic Self Care. Lisa has 11 crime novels in print with her newest title Specimen freshly released in November 2024. The first two books of her E&A Investigations Series (Hot House and Salt Island) were both #1 Amazon Kindle Bestsellers. Lisa also writes standalone thrillers, such as her 2022 political thriller, The Ridders, which won an American Fiction Award. Lisa is an active member and frequent panelist/speaker of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. She has an MBA in IT Management and works full-time in the tech industry.

Read more about Lisa’s book on her publisher’s website.


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When the Baby Is NOT OK:

An Intimate journey that navigates today's most pressing women's issues.   When the Baby Is NOT OK: Hopes and Genes by Jenn...