Friday, August 30, 2024

Stilettos and Gunpowder

Buckle up, it’s gonna be a wild ride full of spicy romance and hijinks-fueled action that will have you laughing uncontrollably!


Stilettos and Gunpowder

Deputy Gemma Stone Book 3

by Gail Koger

Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance

My name is Gemma Stone. I’m a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputy and not only must I deal with the sweat-soaked misery of the Arizona desert, I get to respond to a bunch of crazy 9-1-1 calls all day long. Like a parakeet up a tree, or a car accident where a tractor trailer full of fireworks is hit and the 4th of July comes a bit early.

But some days crime takes a deadly turn. Police cars are suddenly blowing up. Detective Sergeant Dante Delgado, the love of my life, was assigned to track down and stop the bomber. Am I worried? You betcha. There’s a madman on the loose and he is very, very good at making bombs.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Feds think I’m in cahoots with an Iraqi warlord who deals in stolen antiquities. Ichabod, my murderous ex-dance partner, escapes from prison and I’m suddenly in everyone’s crosshairs.


 I leaned over and gave Dante a long voracious kiss. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

“What do you want?” Dante asked suspiciously.

I gave him my best lovesick expression. “Nothing. Can’t I be affectionate?” I stroked his rock-hard abs.

Julie snickered behind her book.

“I know the way your mind works, Gemma.” His hand covered mine.

I shrugged. “I just think it’s time you met Grandpa Reynolds.”

“The chicken wrangler?”

“That’s him. He owns Reynold’s Egg Ranch out by Buckeye. He has a hundred thousand cage-free hens and I’ll get him to give you the grand tour.”

Dante stared at me like I had lost my mind. “What makes you think I want to see a bunch of smelly chickens?”

“To make me happy.”

“Uh huh.”

“Okay, I’m going stir crazy and it’s been a while since I’ve visited Grandpa.”

Julie leaped out of the recliner. “I’m with Gemma. We’ve been stuck in this house for over a week and the only excitement we’ve had is when the taskforce sends their goons to interrogate us. Plus, I always wanted to drive a 1968 Camaro.”

“Not a chance.” Dante stood up and pulled me to my feet. “Put your shoes on and we’ll go visit your grandpa.”

I planted a hot one on his mouth. “Thank you. Thank you. You won’t be sorry.”

“You’re planning something, aren’t you?”

“And if I was?”

Dante rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. “Is it legal?”

“Define legal.”

“Your dad is going to kick my ass. You can give me the details on the drive out to see the chickens,” Dante said.

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About the Author

Howdy. My name is Gail Koger and once upon a time I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Too many years of wild requests, screwy questions, bizarre behavior and outrageous demands have left me with a permanent twitch and an uncontrollable craving for chocolate. I took up writing science fiction romance to keep from killing people. So far, it has worked.


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Forever to Fall

 Welcome to Buckeye Falls, where second chances mend broken hearts for these childhood

sweethearts. Wedding bells are ringing, but the sister of the groom is conflicted.


 Forever to Fall

Buckeye Falls Book 5

by Libby Kay

Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance

Welcome to Buckeye Falls, where second chances mend broken hearts for these childhood sweethearts. Wedding bells are ringing, but the sister of the groom is conflicted.

Fifteen years ago, Mallory Lawson “married” her childhood sweetheart, Beckett, in a pretend wedding on his family’s apple farm. She treasures not only the memories, but the ring he put on her finger. The trouble now, her brother, Evan, wants to put that family heirloom on his fiancĂ©e’s finger. Mallory adores CeCe, but she struggles to get past her girlhood fantasies of Beckett swooping back into her life with a certain ruby ring…

Beckett Fox is at a crossroads. After losing his grandfather, he’s listless and fearful of coming back to the family farm. There are too many memories, and most of them are tied to the love of his life, Mallory. He doesn’t even know if she remembers that fateful day when they were kids, playing make- believe under the apple trees, but he does. Now he’s back to help his buddy get married, and he hopes to find peace on the family farm, with Mallory by his side…

When the wedding planning kicks into high gear, Beckett and Mallory are thrust together as maid of honor and best man. The more time they spend together, the harder it is to ignore the sparks between them. Beckett fears Evan won’t support him dating Mallory, so the pair date in secret. But true love won’t stay hidden forever…

Best-selling author Libby Kay’s Buckeye Falls Series reminds readers of small-town life where everyone knows each other. Fans of Sharon Sala’s Blessings, Georgia series and Susan Mallery’s Fool’s Gold series will fall in love with Buckeye Falls and the childhood sweethearts who are tired of hiding their feelings. Come for the wedding and stay for the whole series.


 Rubbing the back of his neck, Beckett felt his muscles relax at her presence. Mallory had this

amazing ability to calm him down while simultaneously causing him to burn with lust.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The sound of cicadas in the night air surrounded them,

their nightly song echoing through Buckeye Falls. Mallory finally cleared her throat and gestured

with the box toward the door. “Can I come in?”

“Erm, yeah.” Beckett stepped back and held the door open for her, catching a whiff of her

perfume as she slunk inside. Mallory always smelled like summertime: sweet and tangy like a handful

of blackberries.

Mallory took a few paces inside and looked around. Beckett said a silent prayer of thanks that he

had the forethought to start unpacking. It was a mess, but at least it looked like his mess. “Cute.” She

said the word with a small smile, plopping the box on top of the coffee table.

She turned like she was going to leave, her presence not required beyond the delivery.

Instinctively, Beckett blocked the way, letting the door close behind him on a soft click. “Where are

you going?” he asked, his pulse kicking up at the idea that he wouldn’t see her for more than another


Shrugging, Mallory pointed to the door. “Home?”

Before he could think better of it, Beckett blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Stay.

Have dinner with me.”

Mallory didn’t respond at first, but he didn’t miss the flush that crept up her neck. “You want to

have dinner with me?”

“Yes?” he replied, although it was far from a question. Beckett wanted Mallory to stay as long as

she liked—for dinner or the rest of her life. He wasn’t picky.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the Buckeye Falls books! **

Find them on Amazon! 

About the Author

Libby Kay lives in the city in the heart of the Midwest with her husband. When she’s not writing, Libby loves reading romance novels of any kind. Stories of people falling in love nourish her soul. Contemporary or Regency, sweet or hot, as long as there is a happily ever after—she’s in love! When not surrounded by books, Libby can be found baking in her kitchen, binging true crime shows, or on the road with her husband, traveling as far as their bank account will allow.

Libby cohosts the Romance Roundup podcast with Liz Donatelli where they recommend romance books and interview authors, influencers, and publishers. Check it out for your weekly dose of romance!


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Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Decision

A Berlin policeman makes a potentially life-or-death decision.


What made the difference?


The Decision

A Novel of Germany

by Karen A. Wyle

Genre: Historical WWII Fiction

A Life of Contradictions, and A Moment of Truth

It is autumn of 1938, in Hitler’s Germany, in the capital city of Berlin, perhaps a month before the devastating anti-Jewish violence of Kristallnacht. Three Jewish boys have received new bicycles — because their family has, with difficulty, arranged to leave Germany, and they will not be allowed to take much cash with them. Two of the boys are experienced bicyclists, but the youngest is less so. On a downtown street, the latter’s lack of skill causes an accident. And the traffic policeman on the scene wears, just visible under his uniform, the brown shirt of a member of Hitler's storm troopers.

What did the policeman do? The answer is known, because the preceding paragraph describes an actual event. But why did the policeman make the choice he did? What life did he live that led him to make it? And what happened to him, while the boys and their family escaped, lived, and thrived? This novel imagines possible answers to these questions. In doing so, it takes the reader into the heart of the experience of wartime, and the repercussions of such conflict for years thereafter.

"The Decision both stands out from the crowd as an important examination of how attitudes are changed and friendships buffeted by clashing ideologies, and lends [itself] to classroom or reading group discussion about all kinds of subplots intrinsic to a complete understanding of the Jewish and German experience." Midwest Book Review



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About the Author

Karen A. Wyle was born a Connecticut Yankee, but eventually settled in Bloomington, Indiana. She now considers herself a Hoosier. She is an appellate attorney, photographer, and mother of two.

Wyle's thoughtful and compassionate fiction includes SF, historical romance, Historical fiction and fantasy. She has also collaborated with several wonderful illustrators to produce picture books. Relying on her legal background, she has written one nonfiction resource, explaining American law to authors, law students, and anyone else interested in better understanding the legal landscape. Wyle's voice is the product of a lifetime spent reading both literary and genre fiction. Her personal history has led her to focus on often-intertwined themes of family, communication, the impossibility of controlling events, and the persistence of unfinished business.


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Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 The world runs on code, but not all code is safe.



by Jeff Sylvester

Genre: Science Fiction Action Thriller

The world runs on code, and not all code is safe. This is why Anna Flynn has a job.

Matter Manipulation Devices alter the physical world, turning dreams into reality. But some dreams are treacherous, and the streets are filled with mods that manipulate matter in illegal and dangerous ways.

As a seasoned MMD agent, Anna fights back against the criminals who misuse these devices and traffic in illegal mods. When she intervenes in a plot to assassinate one of the world's most respected political leaders, her methods draw the ire of her superiors, and she finds herself under investigation from her own agency.

Increasingly isolated and unsure whom she can trust, Anna works to unravel a conspiracy that would unleash the worst potential of matter manipulation technology on the world.



She had to move. Popping her eyes open, she pushed forward into the room as quickly as she dared. As she entered, she found the security guards taking cover behind various pieces of furniture. Klein—the only man in a security uniform—carried a staff like Anna’s. The two women with him had smaller handheld devices. None of the three had engaged with Ben, wisely taking her advice, and that had probably kept them alive. She hastened her pace, trying not to reveal her presence while still making it to Ben before he reached the bedroom door. She assumed the door was sealed, but also that this wouldn’t pose a problem for Ben.

Indeed, Ben gestured, and the door disassembled. He did have access to manipulate Shah’s home. Anna wasn’t surprised.

He turned to shuffle backwards, focusing on the security guards while retaining the same awkward firing stance. With the direction he was facing, Anna knew when she got close enough, he’d see her regardless of whether her concealment mod was still active or not—light and sound bending only worked at a distance. Intending to startle him, she clicked off the mod and lunged forward, aiming her staff at his gun.

The effect was exactly what she’d hoped for. Ben’s eyes went wide as she materialized out of thin air. He was still registering her sudden appearance when her staff connected with his hand and the gun went flying. At the same time, Klein and the two other security guards bounded out from behind their cover. Ben grunted as he recovered, then crouched down to face Anna, his body tense and ready to strike. She prepared for it, pivoting her weight back into a defensive stance. One attack by him and she’d have him incapacitated. It would all be over.

Except he didn’t attack. As the three guards closed in, his eyes shifted to them in alarm, and he turned and bolted into the master suite.

“Who are you? Stop!” Shah’s panicked voice spilled through the open doorway.

“I’m coming!” Anna dashed in after him, Klein and the other two guards on her heels. She found the councilwoman and her husband backed up against the far wall, Ben advancing on them. She leapt at him and landed a strong blow across his back, crumpling him to the ground. Moving past him, she placed her body in front of the Shahs.

The three security guards lined up across the doorway, blocking any escape. Klein gave Anna a curt nod. Their communications had saved his life, and he knew it—she thought she could count on him not to mention her use of the concealment mod.

Anna looked down at the defeated man with an icy stare. She wanted to pity him, knowing that whatever this had been, he hadn’t been sure of his actions. But people had died, and he’d shot her partner. Empathy has its limits.

“It’s over, Ben.”

“It’s not.” He stared up at her, a sudden calm taking over his features. His voice contained no trace of its former waver. Right now, at this moment, his determination was absolute. “I can do this. And I will.”

He rose to his feet and extended his arm. His hand held something small and dark green. It appeared to be military. A weapon. A bomb.

“No.” The protest escaped Anna’s lips as a whisper. Her staff shook in her hand as she arced it forward toward the explosive, but before it could connect, the world around her vaporized in a brilliant flash. And then there was nothing.

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About the Author

Jeff Sylvester has been a professional software developer most of his life, but also enjoys writing and creating music. He and his family live in Suwanee, GA.


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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Safe Place

 Can Maddi keep Kat safe and protect her own heart?


A Safe Place

Philly Heat Series #6

by Becky Flade

Genre: Romantic Suspense

15-year-old runaway Kat Anderson witnesses a gruesome murder. Social worker Maddi O’Hara is called in to provide emergency housing for the flight risk teen.

While Maddi works to reunite Kat and her brother, Nathaniel, it becomes clear the man the police are looking for is hunting Kat. As the danger escalates, Nate finds himself falling in love with the woman protecting his little sister.

Tragedy and betrayal are everywhere. Does Maddi have the courage to accept the chance at the family she’s being offered? Or will a murderer make the decision for her?



Kat’s breath chuffed out in frosty clouds as icy wind howled through the narrow alley nestled between the towering brick wall of a Trader Joe’s and a run-down church. Hidden behind a sagging chain-link fence wrapped in tarp and weathered signs boasting People for the Steeple, she rubbed her numb hands together, hoping to feel something. Gaps in the fence allowed slivers of moonlight to pierce through, casting eerie shadows her imagination built into creeping beasts. Her stomach growled, as the monsters couldn’t.

She clenched her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering then wiped her running nose on her sleeve and tried, again, to sleep. She had a house, half hers by law. A warm, cozy place with locks on the doors, running water, and beds. Her bed sat empty in her room, which was full of her books and puzzles. The knowledge made sitting there, hiding in a construction zone, in the cold, a thousand times worse. But if she went home they’d find her.

Kat didn’t know she’d drifted off until the voices woke her.

“Give it to me,” a man said.

“My money first,” another responded.

The voices were hushed, but the first man’s anger was clear. The second man’s voice quivered. Sounded fearful. Kat lowered herself, shrunk back into the church’s shadow, hugging her backpack close to her chest as she tried to make herself smaller. If they found her…

A muffled thump, like something heavy falling, followed in the silence. Scrunched down as she was, Kat could see a small duffel bag on the ground through a tear in the tarp. A man came into view, bent over the duffel. Light glinted, and she blinked as it reflected into her eyes. The man’s hand came up to his throat. Something dark and wet pumped through his fingers. He gurgled and quietly fell to the sidewalk.

Kat scrambled back, and the rubber soles of her sneakers squeaked on the pavement. The fence rattled, and a man dropped to his feet in front of her. The knife in his hand dripped. Time froze. He was tall and beefy, with a saggy chin like the guy down the street from her grandmother’s house who drank too much and sang off-key. But unlike Mr. Grady, this man had mean eyes under thick, graying eyebrows.

She shifted onto the balls of her feet and sprung as he lunged. Swinging her pack over one shoulder, she vaulted the stone banister and ran toward Broad Street. Hurdled buckets of plaster and paint, then darted around an upended wheelbarrow. He followed, crashing into things as he went. Her heart pounded. Kat scooted and slid through a hole in the fence. It was too small for him to follow. It was barely big enough for her to squeeze through. Something burned across her cheek and yanked her hair, jerking her head back.

Hair tore from her scalp as she pumped her legs. Kat exploded onto Broad Street. Didn’t dare look back. She scanned right and left. Cops! She ran toward them, ignored the people she bumped into and pushed out of her way. She skidded to a stop where two officers stood talking with steam rising from paper cups clutched in their hands and City Hall looming behind them.

“Hey, kiddo, where’s the fire?” the younger of the two asked.

“He killed him,” she panted. “He killed him.”

“Get home, girlie, it’s late.” The other, an older man who reminded her of the one chasing her, looked away. She swung out. Her hand struck his arm. Coffee spilled down the front of his uniform. “Son of a bitch! You asked for this, brat. You’re under arrest.”

“Sherman, come on, man. Let it go. Look at her.”

“Screw that.” He crushed the paper cup, tossed it in a nearby trash can, and unhooked his handcuffs.

The light from the streetlamps glinted off the metal. They clicked like angry crabs dangling from his hand as he reached for her. I could run. The fat one wouldn’t follow or not for long. The younger didn’t want to arrest her but if he ran after her, he’d catch her. Nausea twisted Kat’s empty stomach. She looked over her shoulder. The man with the mean eyes stared back from half a block away. Safer with the cops. Kat held her hands out, palms up, like she’d seen on television.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the books!**


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About the Author

When I was little, I thought everyone had stories in their head. When I found out only special people had stories to tell, I wanted to be one of the magical ones who shared their stories with the world. I wrote my first book in kindergarten with the help of my teacher, Mrs. Daniels. My mom – my biggest fan and most ardent supporter – has that little crayon-drawn book tucked into the pages of her family bible. It took almost thirty years to get from there to published but here I am, making my own dreams come true, one happily ever after at a time.



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Monday, August 26, 2024

Mistress of the Second Circle

Sirens and Succubi and Cops…oh my.


Mistress of the Second Circle

Cursed Sands Book 1

by B.C. James

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Supernatural Thriller

Sirens and Succubi and Cops…oh my.


A Tinder date goes disastrously wrong, ending with a middle-aged man gruesomely murdered and mysteriously mummified in a seedy motel. This baffling case lands in the lap of Detective Kace McCrae, unaware that this crime is just the opening salvo in a demonic civil war.

Satan has vanished, leaving his throne empty and the demonic factions on the brink of war for control of Hell. The key to victory? An ancient ring that grants its bearer dominion over demons, now in the possession of former Marine and Las Vegas Police detective Kace McCrae.

As the battle for Hell’s crown intensifies, Kace finds himself at the heart of a supernatural conflict he never asked for. With the fate of the underworld hanging in the balance, he must navigate treacherous alliances and fend off relentless adversaries.

Mistress of the Second Circle is the thrilling follow-up to Cursed Sands, continuing the saga of Detective Kace McCrae and his near-accidental war with the demonic realm. Brace yourself for a ride through the depths of darkness where every choice could mean life or eternal damnation.


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About the Author

Brian James grew up just out of bullet range of Detroit. He was raised on the work of Douglas Adams and Snorri Sturluson. Eventually he went on to college where he majored in history. A degree which now hangs in his bathroom. While he never realized his dream to become a heavier version of Indiana Jones, he did wind up writing for a number of magazines, newspapers, websites, and Fortune 500 companies. When not writing Brian enjoys autumn sunsets, long walks on the beach, the eventual conquest of Ohio by the Kalamazoo Jaycees, and wearing a top hat while playing old school Guitar Hero!


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Friday, August 23, 2024

Rescue the Night

 Touching Spencer—even for a millisecond—did things to my body.

Wild things I could barely control.

Rescue the Night

A Hartley’s Nest Romance Book 1

by Christine DePetrillo

Genre: Small-Town Contemporary Romance

I hate dentists. Except for Dr. Spencer Holland. It’s hard to hate him when he smiles at me, and those adorable crinkles appear at the corners of his big, brown eyes. I’m nervous as hell when he’s aiming sharp dental tools at me, but I’m also imagining how his lips would feel against mine. How his arms would feel wrapped around me. How our bodies would fit together perfectly.

I can’t actually have this sexy dentist though because he’s my brother’s best friend and totally off limits. Actually, Spencer is friends with all of my brothers—all five of them.

Oh, did I forget to mention I have five brothers? Five brothers who circle like me like a pack of protective wolves. Yeah, so anyway . . .

I’ve managed to hide my attraction to Spencer for fourteen years ever since he came to my rescue on my prom night. Lately ignoring my feelings for him, however, is a full-time job. One I’m failing at. Epically.

And there are these . . . moments when I almost believe Spencer wants me too. But that couldn’t be.

Could it?

I’m tired of being underwhelmed by every relationship I attempt with other guys. None of them measure up to Spencer, and it’s time I did something to make him mine.

Just don’t tell my brothers.



He looked up at hearing his name, hesitated for a moment, then gave me one of his warm smiles.

Don’t look at the eye corner crinkles. Don’t look at them.

But I, of course, looked at them. Because I loved them.

“Hey, Vanessa.” He shifted in his seat and rested his right hand on his knee. His suit-pants-covered knee.

Hot damn. He was wearing a dark gray suit. Looking sexier than ever and taking me back to the first time I’d seen him in a suit on that prom night. How come I felt the exact same tingle now as I did then? Shouldn’t that reaction have worn off by now?

He wasn’t wearing a tie. Just a plain, white, button-down dress shirt under his suit jacket. The first button was undone. His legs were long and muscular in the tailored pants and the urge to crawl onto his lap exploded inside me.

Down girl. Why did I always have to tame the wild beast inside me that desperately wanted a taste of Spencer Holland?

“What are you doing here?” I asked in lieu of the question I wanted to ask which was Where can we go to get naked?

Spencer pointed to the stage. “Watching a musical. What are you doing here?”

Exercising restraint, apparently.


Rescue the Night is a small-town, brother's-best-friend, steamy, contemporary romance.


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About the Author

Christine DePetrillo can often be found hugging trees, conversing with dragonflies, and walking barefoot through sun-warmed soil. She finds joy in listening to the wind, bathing in moonlight, and breathing in the fragrances of things that bloom. If she had her way, the sky would be the only roof over her head.

Her love of nature seeps into every story she tells. As does her obsession with bearded mountain men who build, often smell like sawdust, and know how to cherish the women they love. Today she writes tales meant to make you laugh, maybe make you sweat, and definitely make you believe in the power of love.

She lives in Vermont with her husband and many woodland creatures who defend her fiercely from all evils.


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Wicked Tongue

A typical night of partying leaves Daniel Blair with far more than a hangover.     Wicked Tongue by C.L. Schneider Genre: Alien Horr...