Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Tarnished Son

A tourist’s death, an alluring young teacher, a father’s carnal desires, and a stepdaughter’s vendetta ultimately destroy a village dynasty.


The Tarnished Son

by Elizabeth McKenna

Genre: Domestic Suspense

“This is a nice, quiet town. Things like that don’t happen around here.”

But they do.

In THE TARNISHED SON, a tourist’s death, an alluring young teacher, a father’s carnal desires, and a stepdaughter’s vendetta ultimately destroy a village dynasty.

The respected Clark family has governed Williams Bay since 1837. On a hot August day, seventeen-year-old Liam causes a tragic boating accident. What happens next—infidelity, drugs, theft, and more—deepens long-hidden cracks in the family’s façade, exposing their secrets and tarnishing their golden image.

Meet the family:

William Sr., the grandfather who rules the family and the village with an iron fist
Hank, the father who lets temptations lead him on a path of self-destruction
Liam, the shining son who gets away with everything
Rose, the stepdaughter who has had enough and pushes the whole house down

Grab some popcorn and watch the destruction unfold in Elizabeth McKenna's unpredictable family drama!



Saturday, September 2

Entry from the Journal of Rose McCabe:

I can’t sleep. We saw a man drown today. Liam killed a man today on Geneva Lake, and we didn’t tell the whole truth.



My phone buzzed for the tenth time in the past half hour. My stepbrother, who made it clear I was a waste of space and deserved to be ignored or tormented based on his mood, needed me.

I deleted his message without opening it.

It was the last Saturday before Liam, or William Henry Clark III, per his high school registration forms, began his senior year. But instead of being happy that he was a little more than nine months away from freedom, Liam and his best friend Sawyer were feeling the end-of-summer blues and dreading the start of teachers and sports monopolizing their lives. They decided the only cure for their misery would be an afternoon on Geneva Lake with girls in bikinis.

But none of their friends were home, and I had become my stepbrother’s last resort, which baffled me. Had he spared my life more than a glance over the past five years, he would have noticed my minuscule social circle. So, even if I wanted to help him out, I couldn’t.

I adjusted the pillows on my bed for a more comfortable reading position. Liam called me a nerd and a bookworm, thinking these were hurtful insults. But it was better than being a shallow jock like him and his friends.

A page later, someone knocked on my bedroom door. Would Liam plead his case in person? It went against our unwritten rule of exchanging no more than one to two sentences when forced to be in the same room. An unfamiliar sense of power over my stepbrother gave me the courage to continue ignoring him.

“Rose? Can I come in?” Mom’s muffled voice came from behind the door.

I winced, realizing my rudeness toward the only person who mattered to me in the house. “Yes, sorry. I didn’t hear you knock.”

She opened the door, and I held up my book. “Guess I was lost in another world.”

A frown marred the pixie-like features of her face. “Sometimes, you need to be in this world, honey.”

I pressed a knuckle against my lips to keep from asking why. It was an old and tired argument, and I knew what Mom would reply. Though I loved her to the moon and back, our personalities were polar opposites, which left us at odds every so often. Where she blossomed in a room full of people, I shrank into the nearest dark corner, enduring a slow death.

“I hear Liam wants a favor from you,” she said as she sat on my bed, her feet dangling above the floor.

More out of habit than anything else, she leaned over and twisted a lock of my unruly dirt-colored hair away from my face. It was another trait we didn’t share, as her ash-blond hair framed her face in a bob that swung with every move of her head but then settled into place when she stilled. The only things I inherited from her were my brown eyes, slim build, and below-average height, which I would gladly return for a refund. Genetics was so temperamental.

She took my silence as a willingness to continue listening to her pitch. “It’s obvious you kids don’t get along. It distresses Hank and me, but we understand. Blended families can be hard. However, Liam is reaching out to you. Maybe this could be a turning point in your relationship.”

My real dad was a US contractor working in Iraq when the enemy ambushed his convoy. I was six when he died. We were living in Chicago, but growing up, Mom spent her summers in Williams Bay, and that’s how she knew Hank. They reconnected via social media several years after Dad’s death and married when I was ten. Hank’s first wife divorced him after deciding small-town life wasn’t for her. I overheard Liam tell Sawyer she was a street artist in Paris.

“He wants me to pimp out some of my girlfriends.” I glared at my phone, which had buzzed again. “Like I even have any.”

“I think both of those statements are pretty harsh,” Mom chided, but her voice was kind. “He wants to have fun on the last weekend of summer. Don’t you?”

My fingers tightened around the book in my lap. “Actually, I was.”


Praise for The Tarnished Son

“I could not guess where the story was going, and I found the plot to be interesting and dramatic, but also believable.” ~ Lacy Challe, beta reader

“The book caught my attention really quick, and I found myself invested in the story right away.” ~ Kathleen Fossum, beta reader

Goodreads – 5 stars “This was a wonderful book. Each chapter brings another twist or an unexpected turn of events. Each character surprises you throughout the book. You think you know them and then wow, you really don’t. If you love a book that is filled with twists, turns and interesting characters this is the one for you! It is one you will not be able to put down!”

Goodreads – 4 stars “A steady paced, suspenseful drama. This was well written and easy to read. Intriguing and heartbreaking.”


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About the Author

Elizabeth McKenna’s love of books reaches back to her childhood, where her tastes ranged from Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys to Stephen King’s horror stories.


Her novels reflect her mercurial temperament and include romances, mysteries, and suspense. Some are “clean,” and some are “naughty,” so she has a book for your every mood.


Elizabeth lives in Wisconsin with her understanding husband and Sidney, the rescue dog from Tennessee. When she isn’t writing, reading, or walking the dog that never tires, she’s sleeping.



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Forever to Fall

 Welcome to Buckeye Falls, where second chances mend broken hearts for these childhood

sweethearts. Wedding bells are ringing, but the sister of the groom is conflicted.


Forever to Fall

Buckeye Falls Book 5

by Libby Kay

Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance

Welcome to Buckeye Falls, where second chances mend broken hearts for these childhood

sweethearts. Wedding bells are ringing, but the sister of the groom is conflicted.


Fifteen years ago, Mallory Lawson “married” her childhood sweetheart, Beckett, in a pretend wedding

on his family’s apple farm. She treasures not only the memories, but the ring he put on her finger. The

trouble now, her brother, Evan, wants to put that family heirloom on his fiancée’s finger. Mallory

adores CeCe, but she struggles to get past her girlhood fantasies of Beckett swooping back into her life

with a certain ruby ring…


Beckett Fox is at a crossroads. After losing his grandfather, he’s listless and fearful of coming back to the family farm. There are too many memories, and most of them are tied to the love of his life, Mallory. He doesn’t even know if she remembers that fateful day when they were kids, playing make-believe under the apple trees, but he does. Now he’s back to help his buddy get married, and he hopes to find peace on the family farm, with Mallory by his side…


When the wedding planning kicks into high gear, Beckett and Mallory are thrust together as maid of

honor and best man. The more time they spend together, the harder it is to ignore the sparks between

them. Beckett fears Evan won’t support him dating Mallory, so the pair date in secret. But true love

won’t stay hidden forever…


Best-selling author Libby Kay’s Buckeye Falls Series reminds readers of small-town life where everyone

knows each other. Fans of Sharon Sala’s Blessings, Georgia series and Susan Mallery’s Fool’s Gold series will fall in love with Buckeye Falls and the childhood sweethearts who are tired of hiding their feelings. Come for the wedding and stay for the whole series.



**Releases Aug 20th – PreOrder Now!**

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About the Author

Libby Kay lives in the city in the heart of the Midwest with her husband. When she’s not writing, Libby

loves reading romance novels of any kind. Stories of people falling in love nourish her soul.

Contemporary or Regency, sweet or hot, as long as there is a happily ever after—she’s in love!

When not surrounded by books, Libby can be found baking in her kitchen, binging true crime shows, or on the road with her husband, traveling as far as their bank account will allow.

Libby cohosts the Romance Roundup podcast with Liz Donatelli where they recommend romance books and interview authors, influencers, and publishers. Check it out for your weekly dose of romance!


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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Daughter of the Lost

 Daughter of the Lost is a roller-coaster journey of self-exploration and finding family-even among your mortal enemies.

Daughter of the Lost

The Porn Star’s Daughter Book 2

by Kay Stephens

Genre: New Adult College Romance

When the freshman party ends, the sophomore hangover hits.


Trinity Tachel has no use for society's rules. Not after the New Orleans police failed to investigate the murder of her sex-worker mother. Not after she was abandoned to the Louisiana foster care system as a child. And certainly not after fighting through freshman year to prove herself worthy of a spot at the prestigious Filton University.

Trinity is overjoyed when she's invited to spend the summer in the Los Angeles mansion of retired porn star Missy Mariola. Escape the daily struggle to survive as a New Orleans college student? Yes please. Shock proper society by openly embracing an adult film star? Even better.

But when Trinity returns to New Orleans for her sophomore year, she's an unrecognizable version of herself.

Missy Mariola has taken over Trinity's life. Missy doesn't want Trinity to work, makes all the rules-and even chooses Trinity's housemates. Trinity finds herself living with people she despises, including a hot New Orleans cop who has a frustrating habit of showing up during her worst moments.

Trinity has to decide if she wants to remain the abandoned child of her past or embrace a future with people who love her.

Daughter of the Lost is a roller-coaster journey of self-exploration and finding family-even among your mortal enemies.

 Daughter of the Lost

Author Q&A with Kay Stephens


Question: When did you begin writing and what inspires you to continue?

Kay Stephens: I began writing romance in 2015 as a creative outlet during a messy

divorce. And my first book was as ridiculous as the failed marriage—no character

development, no plot line, no underlying message. But it was incredibly fulfilling to

realize I had used my energy to create something rather than devolve into negative



My romance writing improved significantly with two other, simultaneous life changes.

Following my divorce, I lived my own romance stories that continue on today with my

current (amazing) husband! However, my boss took the divorce as an opportunity to

both slut shame and sexually harass me, both in the office and in my home. It was life

changing to see how some important people in your life can raise you up and give you

space to become the best version of yourself, while others can work tirelessly to destroy

you. And it was in that life disparity that I found a message that continues to motivate

me—growing through the positive people into your life while combating the destructive

people (and learning to distinguish between the two).


Question: Who would you say is the ideal reader for Daughter of the Lost?

Stephens: The ideal reader loves love, has faced bullying, and finds strength reading

about how other people have combated bullying. They not only accept others’

differences, they accept and embrace their own differences too.


Question: How do you respond to the negative stigmas associated with reading

romance (shame, embarrassment, guilt…)? Do you feel that the genre is growing and

changing to adapt to modern times?


Stephens: If I could wave a wand and erase the negative stigmas associated with

reading romance, I would be the wand-wavingest girl on the streets. However, since I

cannot, I try to appreciate the stigmas for two reasons. First, these stigmas are such an

efficient way to identify people to avoid, because it takes a really broken person to

stigmatize an activity that makes people happy and has no negative impact on the

world. Second, these stigmas create such a strong reading community. Romance

readers are an amazing, supportive group in part because they continue bonding over

what they love despite outside condemnation.


I feel the romance genre mirrors societal norms and continues to adapt to modern

times, specifically in relation to misogyny and other forms of bigotry. Like society, the

romance genre is far from perfect, but we are seeing movement toward stronger female

characters and more representation in modern romance novels than those written in

prior decades. Readers now seem to be rejecting authors that refuse to evolve—just

another example of a strong, supportive community!


Question: Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)

Stephens: I have one quirky writing habit that I always hoped no one would ask about.

Even during the hottest days of the summer, I must wear my favorite writing sweatshirt.

It’s hot pink, three sizes too big, and rocks the Circus Circus logo across the chest. Yes,

the Vegas casino that looks like the set of a 1980s gameshow. But I’m always cold, I

refuse to be uncomfortable, and if I’m being completely honest with myself…I love

Circus Circus. So it’s a win for everyone except my husband who would probably burn it

if he didn’t think it would lead to certain divorce.


Question: Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?

Stephens: “It actually doesn’t take much to be considered a difficult woman. That’s why there are

so many of us.” – Jane Goodall

I have been considered a difficult woman since birth. But now that I’m writing romance

novels about the sex-work industry from my cozy little nook in the US Bible Belt, my

difficulty scores are measuring off the charts. It’s nice to remember I’m in good and

plentiful company.


No, it’s not time yet.”

Trinity batted at the finger incessantly poking her shoulder and pulled a pillow over her head to

block out the blare of the alarm clock. And, for just a moment, she escaped. She slipped back

into a world of sleep so seductive she would have willingly traded her remaining days to let it hold

her for eternity.

But Tali was relentless. She wedged both of her hands under Trinity and rolled her limp body to

the edge of the bed.

“This isn’t New Orleans,” she said. “It’s going to take us two hours just to get to the airport.”

“Then I’m dropping out of school.” Trinity yawned and pulled her pillow tighter over her ears.

“Fuck it,” Tali whispered. “Me too. We’ll stay here and start our own business.”

“Sex shop?” Trinity asked.

“Sex shop.” Tali grabbed Trinity’s hand and held it up in a blind show of unity before dropping it

to the mattress.

They had started the summer in separate rooms, rooms so far apart it felt as if they were still

living in different zip codes—distant and lonely and better at following each other’s lives via

social media than actual human interaction.

And Trinity had missed her. Though they were temporarily residing at the same address, eating the

same food, and driving the same car, she missed the days of living their lives together out of

Tali’s cozy dorm room at Richardson Hall—Tali tangled up in James, Trinity trying to peel

herself off Seth’s sweaty body. Waking up to Tali’s beautiful smile every morning. Hugging her

tight every night. Together in their freshman-year sanctuary, they knew no matter what they had

to face that day, they could come home to their safe space—their stability no outside force could

crack. Apart in Tali’s massive LA home, it felt like their floor had fallen out.

And Tali had missed Trinity too. By June, they had started making excuses to sneak into each

other’s rooms. Trinity’s room was too hot. Tali’s was too cold. Tali’s room was too close to the

noise of the busy city streets. Trinity’s room had sheets that were too fucking expensive to sleep

on. By July, they had given up the excuses and just moved into the one room. And it felt like a

sleepover that would never end, Trinity’s best friend next to her, passing a bottle of wine back and

forth over stories of their freshman year at Filton University. Their school work, their boys, the

battles they had fought together. Going back to school now felt like tainting the memories they

had already created. It was far better to start over in LA.


The door to their room burst open, and a harsh light from the hallway spilled onto the bed. The

curvy outline of a silk robe and high heels was the only shadow cutting through the glare.

“Did I just hear my girls aren’t leaving me?” a voice cried into the room, startling them both from

their last moments of sleep.

“Jesus, Missy,” Tali said. “Did you just creep outside our room all night? Don’t you ever sleep,


“You can call me Mom, Tali. I didn’t shove Trinity out of my vagina, and even she calls me


Tali turned her back to the open door and stole Trinity’s pillow before slamming it down on her

own head.

“You’re grossing everyone out, Missy. Can you at least put more clothes on before you start

talking about your pussy today?”

“Absolutely not. You know how much I hate clothes.” Missy ran across the room and jumped into

bed between the girls, wrapping her arms around their heavy shoulders and pulling them close.

Trinity breathed into Missy’s hair and took in the lingering scent of high-end perfume mixed with

higher-end liquor she had surely been sipping all night in preparation for the morning. She

smelled like home now, fleeting though it might have been.

“Good morning, Mama,” Trinity whispered, smiling into Missy’s neck.

“No, this isn’t a good morning, love.” Missy ran a hand over Trinity’s dark hair and down to her

cheek. “This is the best morning. My girls are staying in LA and opening up . . . what did you

say? A sex shop? My beautiful, genius girls. You can do anything, but you choose to stay here

to get into the family business. We’ll have to get started immediately.”

She pulled her phone out of her robe pocket and started punching out a text to her assistant as

she read aloud.

“Make sure to rush order the molds we had made of my vagina. My girls are dropping out of

school to start a sex shop.”

She finished typing, reached a finger high in the air, and slowly brought it down toward the send

button before Tali grabbed the phone and threw it across the room.

“Fine.” Tali grunted as she dragged her legs to the side of the bed. “We’ll go back to school. But

when we both end up hospitalized from sleep deprivation, you’re the one that’s going to have

to come get us. You.” She pointed a sleepy finger at Missy.

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Get book 1, The Porn Star’s Daughter FREE July 22-26!!

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About the Author

KAY STEPHENS is a lawyer turned romance novelist, divorcée turned member of the illustrious third-wives club, and party girl turned . . . uncomfortably old party lady. Kay spent her early days living throughout the world, from Boston to Barcelona to New Orleans, before finally settling down in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has the extraordinary privilege to write every day due only to the loving support of her wild-ass husband and four crazy teenagers. She has written for Your Tango and been featured in Bustle and Female First among others.

Kay’s debut novel, The Porn Star’s Daughter, is a steamy, laugh-out-loud story about self-acceptance and sexual empowerment. Kay writes for the people who like to shame the slut shamers, who wear their too-tight skirts with pride, and who laugh at society’s ever-conflicting expectations of them.



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Monday, July 22, 2024

The Star Writers Club

The Star Writers Club

The Star Writers Trilogy Book 2

by Mary K. Savarese

Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance

Book 2 of the StarWriters Trilogy follows twelve new arrivals to the band that surrounds Heaven. Together, they must train to deliver His Plan to the stars.

But when the evil Beck decides otherwise, the StarWriters are called into action to save three members who were just sucked through the gates and into the pits of Hell.

Follow our StarWriters as they trek across the villages of the band and learn how His Plan is distributed by those working in His Plan room. Will the good/evil clocks continue to click toward evil, or will our StarWriters prevail and turn the fate of time?

It is only by combining their strengths and wisdom not yet learned that they just might succeed. Perhaps by accepting their last few moments on Earth, they might endure what awaits. For it is Written in the Stars.





The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper

The Star Writers Trilogy Book 1


Alice may have fallen through the looking glass and created a relationship with the Cheshire Cat, but it was twelve-year old Tyler who falls into the toile wallpaper and unwittingly bonds with thirteen cats.


Want Fantasy, Adventure, Romance?

Lyly's heart yearns for true love until family loyalty is betrayed by a greedy Noble.

Imprisoned by the evil Wizard, she became The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper.

That is, until fate beckons...

Will the young American tourist Tyler Charles remember his class physics in time to reverse the ancient curse and save the love of his life?


Mary K. Savarese, an award winning author created another world for her readers to enjoy.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Rumi and the Retribution

 The Da Vinci Code meets Rumi in a global thriller/mystery


Rumi and the Retribution

Gabriel McKnight Book 1

by Pooneh Sadeghi

Genre: Global Thriller, Mystery

You Are What You Seek.

Gabriel McKnight, a decorated former U.S. Navy SEAL and bestselling author, sees his perfect life come unraveled when he’s named the prime suspect in a murder case after his twin brother vanishes without a trace. Now on the run from the law, Gabriel embarks on a desperate worldwide quest to clear his name and uncover his brother’s fate.

His only ally is Noor Rahman, the scion of a once-powerful Iranian dynasty whose past intertwines with a mysterious book of Rumi’s poems left behind by her deceased parents. Together, Gabriel and Noor decipher cryptic passages suggesting a link between the historic murders of Noor’s family and his brother’s disappearance. From the back alleys of Washington, D.C., to the bustling streets of Paris, and the vibrant vistas of Tehran, they navigate a labyrinth of danger and deception leading them inexorably to Rumi’s mystical resting place in Turkey.

But discovery comes with a perilous cost. With every revelation, Gabriel and Noor inch that much closer to unlocking the sinister truth behind their parallel destinies. Can they outwit their unseen foes and decode the final mysteries before they themselves become the final casualties in this deadly game?


What are your top 10 favorite books/authors? In no particular order

1)      Jane Austen : Pride and Prejudice- Persuasion

2)      Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre

3)      LM Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables

4)      To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

5)      Agatha Christie :All the Poirot Novels and Marple novels: some favorites are “The Moving Finger-Cards on the Table-Funerals are Fatal”

6)      Anthony Horowitz: Magpie and Moonflower Murders, then the Hawthorne and Horowitz mysteries

7)      Richard Ossman’s “Thursday Murderclub series”

8)      Nora Roberts :Suspense/mystery series

9)      JK Rowling’s Harry Potter Series

10)   Harlan Coben’s Myron Bolitar Series

What book do you think everyone should read? TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee

How long have you been writing?I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing—Although I’d say I started my novel around 2019.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

I know my characters well before I write about them. I spend time with them in my head until they are real and then I write about them.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

I do the historical research or whatever research is needed based on the topic I’m writing about.

Do you see writing as a career? YES YES AND YES!

What do you think about the current publishing market? I think like many other industries it’s going through change but what I do believe is that readers will continue to want good stories!

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

Yes, voraciously, my favorite genre is mystery/thriller, then literary books

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why? In silence without distractions.

Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time? One at a time because I’m totally immersed in my world with my characters.

If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose? Ah now that’s a tough one—I love many authors however their styles are different from mine so I’d say my own books!

Pen or type writer or computer?laptop!

Tell us about a favorite character from a book. Myron Bolitar from Harlan Coben’s Bolitar series. He has a quirky sense of humor, is kind and dives into mysteries. Also Joyce from the Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Osman. She sounds a bit flaky but is very shrewd and sharp.

What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision? I’ve always known I’d be an author. I just wanted to add meaningful life experience to my novels which is why I started in my late 40s after 25 years of global travel, living and working across the globe.

A day in the life of the author? I have a full 9-5 job. Then when I come home I spend some time with family and write from 9:00 pm to midnight. Everynight!

Advice they would give new authors? Don’t give up!

Describe your writing style. Pass I’d rather surprise you with it!

What makes a good story? To me a good story, regardless of the genre, is one that makes the reader keep turning the pages, gives them a delightful ending and makes them want more when the story is over.

What are you currently reading? Anthony Horowitz’s Close to Death

What is your writing process? For instance do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first? I have a general outline with key milestones mapped out. I know where I start and what the end will be. Then the characters fill in the rest.

What are common traps for aspiring writers? Doubting yourself

What is your writing Kryptonite? Life’s responsibilities, work projects etc….

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?I can’t be anything but original and hope that readers will like what I write.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Trust your gut and go for it!

How long on average does it take you to write a book? 4-5 months

Do you believe in writer’s block? I believe it exists—thankfully it hasn’t happened to me yet! Too many stories with too little time to tell them

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About the Author

I was born to a diplomat and housewife in Tehran-Iran then whisked across the globe to whatever country my parents had been assigned to. Raised to appreciate various cultures, landscapes, languages, and viewpoints, my life was one grand adventure until a revolution took place in my country and turned our lives upside down. Between then and the age of eighteen I had experienced both the joy, freedom, and magic our world offers as well as wars, deprivation, and oppression. My undergraduate studies were in the Middle East and my post graduate studies were at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France.

So, when did I become a writer? Books had always been my greatest friends, teachers, refuge, and the inspiration to forge my own future. In college I realized I wanted to write engaging mysteries and thrillers. At the same time, I wanted to give readers more than a story. I wanted to share the rich beauty of Persian literature as well as that of other cultures. For that I embarked on a twenty-two-year journey, traveling to various countries, and experiencing life while establishing a successful career. Gabriel McKnight and his first story had been on my mind for several years yet it wasn’t until my mid-forties that I picked up the proverbial pen. The time had come to share my stories.

The next step was making my dream come true. I queried several agents and one glorious day in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic my wonderful literary agent reached out to me with an offer for representation. She took my story to publishers and before I knew it, we had a publishing contract –and here we are.

Today, I live in Oklahoma City, USA with my family and two dogs. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s the power of words. Words can heal, teach, entertain, inspire, and evoke change. I hope you enjoy Gabriel’s adventures as much as I enjoyed writing them.



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Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Reluctant Earl

  A housekeeper with a dangerous secret; an earl with an emotional wound.

Can love survive amid a maelstrom of secrets and lies?

The Reluctant Earl

Heirs and Graces Book 1

by Pamela Gibson

Genre: Historical Regency Romance

Gerren Stafford, sailor and Cornish wrestler, ran away to sea when his gentle older brother was taunted and killed in a duel, and vowed never to set foot in his homeland again.  When a stranger informs him he is the new Earl of Siltsbury, Gerren reluctantly returns to England with a hidden purpose, and to assume a role for which he is woefully unprepared.

Then he meets Anna.

Anna Jeffries is a baroness who is keeping her aristocratic connections a secret. She uses  her new position as Siltsbury housekeeper to hide from her late husband’s successor, a man she suspects arranged her husband’s death and is now threatening her with harm if she “dares to spread her vile rumors.”

Drawn together by friendship, loneliness, and hidden emotional wounds, Anna and Gerren find solace in passion. But can they find an enduring love or are there too many secrets and lies between them?


Excerpt 1.



When the wrestling match began Gerren circled his opponent, slightly bent at the waist, his arms hanging loosely at his sides. Then he made his move. He aimed for the legs then picked up the man and slammed him on his back, getting an elbow in his nose for his effort. When the fellow rose, they danced around until a second slam kept his opponent on the floor. It took five minutes, not ten, to be declared the winner. The man signaled his moves and Gerren read them easily.

Wiping away the blood trickling over his mouth and chin with the back of his hand, he concentrated on his next opponent and easily outwitted him. Some nights the matches were more even and despite the rules, he’d had fingers broken and a shoulder dislocated that a sawbones had to wrench back into place.

The last brute was a big ‘un, taking all of his strength as they danced around each other in a gruesome minuet, grappling, grunting, and finally slamming each other to the floor several times. At the end of the hour Gerren had more pins and remained undefeated. When the announcement was made, the crowd went wild. The noise in the crowded room didn’t abate until someone began singing a bawdy song and others joined in.

Gerren slipped away to his personal bucket of water outside the back door where he could clean himself in peace. When he finished wiping the blood from his face, he wasn’t alone.

Shiny boots appeared first, followed by a silver-headed walking stick. Sluicing the last of the water over his head and shoulders, he toweled himself dry and hoped he wouldn’t miss that nice tankard of ale waiting for him down the street.

“Oy, what do you want? If it’s to rebuke me for winning when you bet on the other lads, come back next week and wager on the winner this time.” Gerren set his towel aside and pulled on a clean shirt. “State your business. I have a place I need to be.”

“Are you Gerren Stafford from Falmouth?”

“I am although I make my home here in Kingston for now. Haven’t been back in a dozen years. Why?”

“Is there somewhere we can talk privately.”

Gerren glanced at the darkened alley behind the warehouse. “I guess you can say this is as private as it gets. State your business.”

“Your father was Charles Stafford, younger brother of Mathew Stafford, the late Earl of Siltsbury. Charles predeceased his two older brothers.”

“You been studying my pedigree? Say what you’re here to say and be done with it.”

The man took a packet from an inside pocket of his coat. “Gerren Alexander Stafford, my name is Harold Jenkins. I’m the solicitor for the Siltsbury estate and I’ve been looking for you for more than a year.”

“Out with it, man.” Gerren’s body, even in a win, took a beating and he wanted his ale and a woman’s soft bed and body. He had no patience for a fool on a fool’s errand.

“In November, 1818, Mathew Stafford, sixth Earl of Siltsbury, succumbed to a wasting disease in Baltimore, Maryland. He had no male heir, nor did he have any living brothers. Your deceased grandfather and your father were the only ones with male issues and your uncles, like your father, have all predeceased you.”

“What in bloody hell is this about?”

“Congratulations, my lord. It is my duty and my pleasure to inform you that you are the new Earl of Siltsbury and I’m here to take you home.”

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About the Author

Author of eight books on California history and twenty-two romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who retired with her husband to the Southern Nevada desert. Having spent several years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading, writing, cooking and keeping up with the antics of Ralph, her Siamese cat. She loves dry red wine, all kinds of chocolate, old Jimmy Buffet sailing songs, and curling up with a good book. You can find her in these places:


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