Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Fire of the Gods

 The Hand of the Gods has held all those who survived the Battle of Grandfather Mountain. Now, another has been born under the Fire of the Gods.

Fire of the Gods

The Sahra Chronicles Book 3

by Miriam Newman

Genre: Historical Fantasy Romance

The Hand of the Gods has held all those who survived the Battle of Grandfather Mountain, and now another has been born under the Fire of the Gods. Is it a sign of favor or does it mark him for death?

Sange, sister of Arak clan chieftain Javrik, has followed her husband, Arman, to his native land. But her people half a world away are occupied by forces of the mighty Empirate of Omana, and now she is in Alcinia, an ally of Omana. The Emperator’s sisters hold powerful positions there and, belatedly, she realizes that she and her infant son are hostages.

Amazon * B&N * Kobo * Smashwords * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sahra-Chronicles-Fire-Gods-ebook/dp/B0CXTVWHK4

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-sahra-chronicles-miriam-newman/1145203393

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-sahra-chronicles-fire-of-the-gods

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1543341

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-sahra-chronicles-fire-of-the-gods-by-miriam-newman

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/210973989-the-sahra-chronicles


**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

Find them on Amazon

About the Author

I fell in love long ago with fantasy poetry driven by myths and legends, as well as stories of heroes and battles.  Ancient Celtic writings were my special passion, along with the Roman Empire, Roman Britain, the Norman invasion of England, and tales of the Vikings.  My first book emerged when I was an...ahem...youthful 52.  Well, I’m not 52 any more and up to 34 books and it’s been a great run. 

Retired from many years in social work, now I pass my days writing, researching and living with a pack of highly demanding rescue dogs.  I write in every genre I please, usually with a good dose of romance, and you can see my books at www.miriamnewman.com.


Website * Website * Blog * Blog * Facebook * X * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

Author Links

Website:  https://miriamnewman.com/

Website: https://thedarkcastlelords.net/

Blog: https://miriamnewman.com/blog/

Blog: https://thecelticroseblog.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMiriamNewman

X: https://twitter.com/miriamnewman

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dclpublications

Bookbub:  https://www.bookbub.com/authors/miriam-newman

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Miriam-Newman/author/B005DBFZUG

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3146550.Miriam_Newman


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Monday, April 29, 2024

The Stewards War

 The Stewards War series and its companion series, The Celtic Stewards Chronicles.


Juli D. Revezzo

The two series are a set of fantasy romance novels inspired by the Celtic heroic legend of the Second Battle of Mag Tuired, wherein a leader of the Formorians slighted a poet of the Tuatha dé Danann. His slight led to a war ….which has lasted throughout time.

The Stewards War series takes place in modern day, where the nefarious Formorians threaten Stacy Macken guardian of the sacred battlefield on which the harshad warriors—an elite battalion sent by the gods of the Tuatha dé Danann to protect her will fight with the Formorians to decide who will hold sway in the world for the next five hundred years—the good the Tuatha dé Danann? Or the evil Formorians?

When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, Stacy fights to keep the attraction sizzling between them from clouding her judgment. He may be her savior in disguise--but can she trust him?


The series begins with Keeper of the Grove (Stewards War, book one)


Stacy Macken has one goal in mind: saving her renowned history center from greedy creditors. Losing it would be a catastrophe—one she doesn’t know how she’ll avoid.

 Until Aaron Fielding arrives. To all human eyes, he is just like any man, but he reminds Stacy of one of the fae. He certainly enchants her like a fae lover would.

 But Stacy suspects there is more to this sexy fellow, with his tales of the Tuatha dé Danann, and magical warriors from Celtic legend who protect humanity from a wicked enemy seeking their destruction. Does his appearance mean the end of the world imminent?

 Can she, a studious woman more intent on history books, with no training in or love of war, possibly have anything to offer when a long-prophesied druidic battle explodes around her?


Then comes Bitter Thorn Tribe (Stewards War, book two)

Destined to be a bride, if only the gods will let her…

Stacy Macken tries to acclimate herself to her training under Tuatha dé Danaan druids–as if she doesn’t have enough work in planning her wedding to her beloved guardian and fiancé Aaron.

When Fomorii loyalists violate their treaty and seek deadly revenge for their recent defeat, even Stacy’s druids are at a loss to explain the mayhem that ensues.

Can Aaron and his brothers-in-arms stop it before Stacy and her family are caught in the crossfire?

And the final battle :)

Druid Defiance (Stewards War, book three)


Destined for War

As Steward, Stacy travels to her ancestral home in Ireland to wed. When she is granted access to the family’s sacred site, her presence opens a magical portal that brings her into a new version of the world. Does this mean the gods approve and her wedding can move forward or will the evil Balor object and end the world once and for all?

From there, readers wanted a little more, specifically about Stacy’s ancestors, so I wrote two more volumes, set 500-1500 years before the Stewards War series. So, the Celtic Stewards Chronicles filled that gap. They are historical fantasy romance and consist of:



Druid Warrior Prince (Celtic Stewards Chronicles, book one)

Set in 513 AD Ireland.


Gwenevieve Macken’s well-ordered world falls into chaos as encroaching interlopers scheme to possess both her and her land. Although she’s been trained to spot the signs of inhuman evil in men, the amassing armies take on guises she never expected.

When a foreign guardian presents himself as her only option for salvation, Gwenevieve must make a choice between her desires, and fulfilling the mythic fate to which she was born. A forced marriage to a Tuatha dé Danann warrior isn’t part of her plan.

~~This book concerns a heretofore unknown group in the Stacy Macken’s family tree, and the harshad battle that took place on the original Irish family homestead in the year 513.~~


And Druid Warrior’s Heart (Celtic Stewards Chronicles, book two)

Set in 1513 AD Ireland.


As the latest in her family’s long line of Stewards, Ruth Macken awaits the arrival of a warrior sworn to the Tuatha dé Danaan, the Celtic gods her family has served since the beginning of time. For on that day, a magical battle will erupt. A war between druids and an evil that will decide the fate of mankind.

 Isaac Connel knows the battle is imminent, and is ready to fight, once again but from the moment he sees Ruth flitting around the sacred ground, he’s captivated by her fiery charms and a need to protect her.

 Despite Isaac’s assurances and the dreams that guide her, what can Ruth and her lover do to drive off this evil? Despite everything, will the world end at the hands of an evil god?

~~This book concerns Stacy’s ancestor Ruth, who readers meet in Keeper of the Grove (see above).

The Stewards War series is available to purchase at Amazon, or to read free in KU: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08K9CLH6P

(There’s also a boxed set of the three books available if you’d rather:


And the Celtic Stewards Chronicles are available everywhere:



About the Author:

Juli D. Revezzo loves fantasy and Celtic mythology and writing stories with all kinds of fantastical elements. She is the author of the Antique Magic series and the fantasy historical Romance Celtic Stewards Chronicles series, the fantasy series entitled: Stewards War, Victorian romances Camden GirlsLost Slipper Society, the Steampunk romance Gears, Cogs, and Puppy Dogs, and more. (Including, under the pen name Juli Revezzo, the non-fiction guide to fast drafting a novel Make the Most of Your Writing Time: Writing Fast Without Going Crazy.)


Social Media Links:

Website: https://julidrevezzo.com/

Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Juli-D.-Revezzo/author/B008AHVTLO

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@julidrevezzo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julidrevezzo/

X (formerly known as Twitter): https://twitter.com/julidrevezzo


Subscribe to my blog for writing updates: https://julidrevezzo.com/subscribe/

Hidden in the Shadows

 Never trouble Trouble, ‘til Trouble troubles you,

for if you trouble Trouble, Trouble’s sure to trouble you.


Hidden in the Shadows

by A.D. Vancise

Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Mystery 

"All I can ever think about is murdering her." -C.B.

Twenty-three-year-old Evie Day never dreamt she’d be back in Woodsville Arkansas, a small town in the middle of nowhere, after having left five years earlier, but the death of her grandfather called for her return. After discovering a photo from 1933 of a mysterious woman standing next to a tiny wooden box, a strange vial of blood wrapped up in a handkerchief in the pocket of her grandfather’s overalls, and a key hidden in his desk drawer that belongs to a secret safety deposit box, Evie is unwittingly thrown into a world of evil where those closest to her are the ones to be the most feared and danger lurks around every corner.

Hidden in the Shadows by A.D. Vancise shines a light on the darkness and reveals the underlying players that have been hunting in plain sight.



What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

Research into a story depends on the type of story being written. My first book, for instance, didn’t require much research due to it being a semi-autobiography. I knew the story, the characters, the plot etc. I may have had to research medical terms or areas that my brother and his partner had visited as well as speak to Brad, my brother’s partner, about their experiences but that was the minimal research done for that book. This book, however, consisted of close to six months of straight research if not more.

Do you see writing as a career?

I want to see writing as a career, I take it very seriously. Having said that though, my reason for writing is for the love of writing, first and foremost.

What do you think about the current publishing market?

The current publishing market is difficult on many levels. I much prefer the hybrid model. This model isn’t a vanity press, there is quite a difference between the two. A hybrid publisher you still must pitch, and they do not accept all manuscripts for publishing. When your manuscript is accepted the author pays the publisher for structural editing, cover design, copy editing, interior design, and some promotion.

Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

I read and read and read again. This I believe should be the pattern of all writers. I learn a great deal from other authors both bad and good or what I like or dislike. Some paragraphs, I’ll read two or three times when they are exceptional. I’ll jot it down in a notebook as well making sure to mark it as someone else’s work because I also jot down ideas or sentences that come to me randomly or conversations between strangers and I don’t want to plagiarize. I read reviews of books I’ve read as well, good, and bad as this also provides great feedback as to what readers want or look for in a book. My favorite genre is and always has been thriller/mystery.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?

I cannot write if it’s too silent around me. I know other authors isolate themselves, but I realized at university that I couldn’t concentrate when it was quiet. I need something to block out in order to focus, so the noisier the better. I often put on music or plant myself in the middle of a room with others watching TV.

Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?

I never saw myself writing two books at once but here I am doing it now. I’m working on the sequel to Hidden in the Shadows and Memoirs from a Killer.

Pen or type writer or computer?

When I’m working on the story, I use a program called Scrivener on my computer. I find it’s the quickest way to get the words out. When they flow, they flow rapidly. I still enjoy pen to paper as I came from the era just before computers. We hand-wrote papers or typed them on a typewriter so I will keep a journal or notebooks that I prefer to handwrite.

Do you have any advice to offer for new authors?

Advice to new authors read, read, read, and then read some more and in the genre, you’d like to write in. I hear people often say they want to write a book, but they don’t read. How do you expect to know what sells or what flows, works, or doesn’t work if you don’t read? I would also advise taking some writing courses to gain confidence. And write for the love of writing not because you want to get published. One more thing, you CAN do it, your story is important, WRITE it.

Describe your writing style.

I would describe my writing style as atmospheric. I am a visual artist and I feel that helps in my creation of a scene but it’s a fine line, too much description and you lose the reader, not enough and you lose the reader I try to set the tone of the scene through atmosphere, smells, touch, and tastes. I want my readers to feel embedded in the scene as if they are right there in it.

What makes a good story?

That depends on who is reading it. For me, a good story takes me on a journey. One with smells, textures, tastes, and with well-formed characters. What do I mean by well-formed characters? I want to know how they grew up, what friends they have or had and why, and what are their greatest fears, wants, or dislikes. A character doesn’t just enter a story at age 30 and has no background. For me, this is one of the most important things in a book. If I don’t care about a character, (good or bad) I’m not going to care what happens to them.

What is your writing process? For instance do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first?

Outlines, oh the one question that every writer gets asked. I do not work from one. I find them restrictive like I can’t sway from the outline. My creative process I would describe as a gypsy going wherever the wind blows. Haha. Not quite that carefree but I do like to be free to write what comes next. I typically know the beginning and the ending, but everything in between is yet to be seen. I live my life the same way.

Chapters? In my first book, I just wrote not worrying about the chapter breaks but in the second I did write in chapters. Sometimes the chapters merge or rearrange but the Scrivener program is great for editing as each chapter is isolated and can be moved by clicking and dragging. It’s a great program.

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I would say that I try to be original without trying to reinvent the wheel. My goal is to always give the reader what I think they want with some surprises. Truth or feeling real seems to be the most important trait for readers.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

If I could tell my younger writing self something, it would be to stop worrying about what others think, stop doubting yourself, and write anyway.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

How long it takes to write a book depends on the writer, research, and desire. My latest book took six months to write but was well over a year before being published. The current books have been over two years and still are not even halfway completed. Sometimes the words flow so quickly that you can’t type fast enough and sometimes it’s an empty canvas. I’ve heard of some writers taking ten years to complete something and some never do.  I find writer’s block to be a very real thing and when it happens, I just let it be. I’ll read and write in my journal or sometimes choose a topic so far removed from my current writing topic just to spark some ideas or flow.





The survivors of satanic rituals and child trafficking inspired this book, along with a photo I found in my grandfather’s family photos of a mysterious woman standing beside a tiny box. My grandfather died with the real story of what happened. He was a police officer.

I knew I had to take this story down a dark path once I heard the victims’ stories and those who never believed them. The killer’s POV is based on true testimonials of survivors. These horrific acts happened and continue to happen to kids worldwide.

Having said that, I feel the importance of noting a trigger warning for intense graphic material such as child trafficking, sadism, occult rituals, sexual and physical abuse, violence, and murder. If reading this material evokes memories of or PTSD from abuse, please contact professionals or a safe person immediately. This novel is in no way meant to sensualize or exploit these serious events. It requires courage to read this story meant to bring awareness to these heinous acts and give a voice to the children who no longer have one. It’s to shed light on a darkness that has plagued this world for far too long. I am awed by all those who can receive this information and want to help the children. We all need to give them a voice. Thank you for being brave enough to read this story.



A.D. Vancise


Reviews for Hidden In the Shadows

"Writing with crisp efficiency, mordant wit, and bursts of searing terror, Vancise whets the novel's escalating puzzles and portents with an edge of queasy uncertainty." -Editors Pick, Booklife.


"If you're looking for a spine-tingling read that will leave you wondering who to trust, what dangers are lurking beneath the surface and when the next twist will come, then Hidden in the Shadows is the book for you."-Booktrib.


"Hidden in the Shadows by A. D. Vancise is a thrilling mystery that keeps readers in suspense from the first clue until the end." – Five Stars. Literary Titan.

"A.D. Vancise excels in crafting a dark, atmospheric story." -D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

"If you are a reader who is tired of reading the same old books that are lackluster and forgettable, then take a chance with this one...you will not be disappointed." -The Red-Headed Book Lover.

"The author vividly informs your mind's eye." – Five Stars. Readers' Favorite.


Dark, disturbing, and gripping.” -Five Stars. Bookview Review.

A grim but exciting and compelling mystery even in its most disconcerting moments.” Kirkus Review.

Amazon * B&N * Bookshop.org * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Shadows-D-Vancise-ebook/dp/B0BNCHMFBP

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hidden-in-the-shadows-a-d-vancise/1142663052?ean=9781639886913

Bookshop.org: https://bookshop.org/p/books/hidden-in-the-shadows-a-d-vancise/19158232?ean=9781639886913

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/hidden-in-the-shadows-by-a-d-vancise

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/114969230


About the Author

A D Vancise lives in Canada. When she’s not writing, she’s taking care of her three dogs, her cat, two ducks and some chickens. Her daughter is her inspiration for all things wonderful in the world.


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Author Links

Website: https://advanciseauthor.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngieVanciseAuthor/

X: https://twitter.com/ADVanciseauthor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vancisea

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/A.D.-Vancise/author/B0BNL8FG3J

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/23040719.A_D_Vancise


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Friday, April 26, 2024

Ziggy’s Cigar

This one's for the night owls of the world.

Ziggy’s Cigar

by Tony and Nicole Nesca

Genre: Graphic novel, Literary Fiction

One night in the life of a security guard in an inner-city highrise.

Full of after-midnight eccentrics and fringe-dwelling street people, this one's for the night owls of the world.

Amazon * B&N * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Ziggys-Cigar-Tony-Nesca/dp/B0CW3KDNLJ/

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ziggys-cigar-tony-nesca/1144935690?ean=9789359202389

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/208950747-ziggy-s-cigar


About the Authors

Searching for Rebellion: Two Indie Authors Form Edgy Publishing Company

Tony Nesca and Nicole I. Nesca have one question – where have all the fearless artists gone? Unable to find a mainstream publishing outfit that suited their taste for grittier writing, the Nescas formed their own – Screamin’ Skull Press.

For the Beat Generation, controversy was the norm, not the exception.  Creators like Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs and Lucien Carr courted debate and made careers out of pushing the proverbial envelope with their poems, books, music and other creative expressions. Living on the fringes of society was considered to be more exciting and fulfilling than conforming to the mainstream.

Authors and married couple Tony and Nicole Nesca feel connected to that Generation through their own work, and their innate understanding of what it means to be artists whose work cannot be deemed ‘conventional’ by anyone’s standards.

Currently writing, editing and publishing their works through their self-publishing venture, Screamin’ Skull Press, Tony Nesca and Nicole Nesca have both cultivated individual styles but have the same mission.

“To be frank, we see too much pushed out into the world today that is bland and formulaic,” says Tony Nesca, whose unique, humorous and lyrical sixth novel, ‘Hobo’ is out now. “Every other book is a rip-off of another rip-off. The bookstores are packed with these endless vampire stories and dystopian fairy tales. Where is our Anais Nin? Our Hunter S. Thompson?” Our Virginia Woolf?

Screamin’ Skull Press exclusively publishes the worrk of the Nescas - raw, electric and with a free flowing mix of prose and poetry, their books are explorations of freedom, art, death, love, literary experimentation and living how one chooses.

“We knew that mainstream publishers wouldn’t have the courage to publish the kind of work that we want to create,” says Nicole Nesca. “It’s interesting – sometimes we wonder, could Henry Miller or Hemingway find success in today’s market?

It’s as if bravery is a dirty word in literature. Fearlessness, to me, is everything to a writer. Although we have our own styles, I think that’s one thing that Tony and I saw in each other when we met – that drive to find truth and peel back the layers in our own work.”

“I think we first fell in love with each other’s writing,” says Tony. “Which was a fitting beginning to our story.”

Tony Nesca and Nicole I. Nesca have published 19 distinct works through their Indie Press, and their journey toward a more rebellious future for literature continues.


Website * Facebook * FacebookX * Instagram * Bookbub * Goodreads

Author Links

Website: https://screamingskullpress.net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010030449370

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064031138040

X: https://twitter.com/ScreaminSkullPr

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/screaminskull.press

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tony-nesca

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1071188.Tony_Nesca



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Harleigh Sinclair and the Raiders of the Lost Ankh

 Finding lost artifacts? Not a problem. Doing it with a too-cocky billionaire? Impossible.

Harleigh Sinclair and the Raiders of the Lost Ankh

The Harleigh Sinclair Series Book 1

by Tamara Grantham

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Adventure 

Getting confessions from notorious serial killers? Easy.
Stealing priceless Egyptian artifacts? No problem.
Doing it with a cocky, too-handsome-for-his-own-good bad boy? Impossible.

My name is Harleigh Sinclair, and I’m a Neotact. That’s a fancy word for a person who has special powers using touch. My special power? I can touch a person, see into their mind, and find any object they’ve physically contacted. Comes in handy when you’re employed by San Antonio’s wealthiest entrepreneur who’s in the business of finding lost relics. However, my job description does come with a few hitches.

My most recent client is a man named Jagg Ransom. He’s arrogant and too attractive for his own good. My mission is to purchase an ancient Egyptian ankh from him and deliver it to my boss. Sounds easy, right?

But Ransom refuses to cooperate, so I have no choice but to break into his apartment and steal the location of the amulet from his mind. Bad idea. Like, really bad idea.
I find out that this relic happens to be the relic that gave five percent of Earth’s population Neotact powers. I also learn that Ransom isn’t who he says he is, and I’m forced onto a path that will take me from my home in Texas to a hidden dungeon of a Scottish castle, and then into the heart of a deadly Egyptian desert. Finding the ankh is hard enough. Fighting my feelings for Jagg Ransom is worse.

If I can’t find the ankh in time, not only will I be out of a job, but I’ll lose everything I value—including my own life.



The first time I stepped foot into Cozumel, Mexico, I knew I’d found a special place. The jungle setting was such a contrast from my Kansas home, and I was drawn to the diverse culture and ancient pyramids. When I first visited the ruins in Tulum, I was fascinated by the history and the detailed knowledge of astronomy that the people of the time possessed. Ultimately, I knew one day, I would like to set a novel in the Yucatan peninsula.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve just completed my third Harleigh Sinclair novel which is set in an undiscovered jungle pyramid of the Yucatan called the Temple of the Moon. This novel was different from the first two. For one, it’s not a novel at all, but a shorter book called a novella. And for another—my lead character isn’t Harleigh, but her sister, Lexi Sinclair. Lexi needed her own story after events unfolded in the first two books, and I was happy to give it to her, as she made a colorful and feisty lead character for the third book.

Researching this novel took me to unexpected places. Yes, I knew I was including the myths surrounding Mayan culture, but each book in the Harleigh Sinclair series also features a relic. In this case, the relic was the scythe from a Skinwalker, and merging the Skinwalker myth and Mayan beliefs was an intriguing journey.

This novella begins in the Uintah Basin in Utah. The scythe has been recently stolen, and Harleigh is out of commission. Since the scythe was stolen by Lexi’s boyfriend, it’s Lexi’s turn to take the lead on tracking it down into the Utah desert.

We learn that Lexi’s boyfriend, Carlo, is trying to increase the scythe’s power, and to do so, he must bring it to the Temple of the Moon in the Yucatan. We also learn that hundreds of years ago, Aztec warriors made a trek from Mexico to modern-day Utah in order to hide certain treasures, and the scythe was one of these treasures.

Later, the scythe was discovered and used by Native American witches to transform people into Skinwalkers.

Is the story true? Yes, bits and pieces of it. It’s been recorded that in order to escape invading Conquistadors, an elite group of Aztec warriors loaded up a few of their most prized possessions and hid them in caves in the Uintah Basin. The scythe was a product of my imagination, but the legend of the Skinwalker is not, and I enjoyed weaving these myths together to create a haunting atmosphere for the novel.

Lexi Sinclair and the Temple of the Moon releases on July 23, 2024. I’m so excited for readers to explore the legends of Skinwalkers, Mayan, and Aztec cultures through this story.


I waited near the bar at Bohanan’s, clenching my gloved hands, resisting the urge to move the strands of hair tickling my cheeks. Lexi had curled it in flowing waves, then styled it in a loose knot at the back of my neck, carefully arranging a few curls to fall down my face. The scent of hair product—natural botanical leave-in-conditioner, as Lexi had informed me—left a light fragrant scent lingering in the air.

You had to give it to my sister, she was a genius when it came to fashion and beauty. As I pulled at my skirt, my exposed legs felt cold in the air conditioning. Sitting here waiting was wearing on me. He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Where was this guy? Jagg Ransom. Sounded like a con-artist or some rich schmuck. If he’d purchased the amulet, he must’ve been.

I groaned under my breath. This evening couldn’t get over soon enough.

The host approached me. “Miss Sinclair, I have your table ready, if you’ll follow me.”

Nodding, I sauntered appropriately while wearing heels. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t know how to walk in them. Doing previous jobs for Greyson had given me a certain amount of training, and I’d learned my way around a pair of stilettos. Didn’t make me comfortable in them, but I could hold my own.

Soft conversations came from the people sitting around the tables covered with white cloths. Lamps centered on each surface gave a muted light to the space. The host stopped near a table by the back wall, but I politely cleared my throat.

“Would it be too much trouble to be seated by the window?” I pointed to an empty spot near the wall of glass overlooking Houston Street.

“No problem at all. This way.”

I followed him, then sat in the cushioned chair as he placed a menu in front of me. I ordered breadsticks and a water. When he left, I peered out the window. Round bulbs glowed around the historic Majestic Theater sign across the street, and tall buildings rose in the distance against a dark evening sky. A few people walked past.

It took something out of me to sit here and pretend to be someone I wasn’t.

Get the amulet’s location, I reminded myself. That’s all that matters.

My basket of breadsticks arrived, and I nibbled on one as I watched people walk past outside. Ransom should’ve been easy enough to notice. I’d spot his ride first. A Porsche or Lamborghini. Maybe a Lexus. I’d know for sure when he stepped out of his car. Most likely he’d be wearing a tailored suit. It wouldn’t be store bought. That wouldn’t be his type. He’d wear a sensible monochromatic tie. Nothing too flashy. His shoes would be the giveaway. They’d be recently polished, no scuffs, no marks, nothing that would hint at spending any time outdoors or walking through mud puddles. His shoes would tread only on the marble tiles of billion-dollar estates.

A shadow loomed. My gaze wandered up to a mammoth of a man standing over me.

“Sinclair?” he asked, his voice deep and laced with a dangerous edge.

I gave him a shrewd glare in an attempt to hide my surprise. “Ransom?” I stood, berating myself for not recognizing him.

“Yeah,” he said casually, his tone bored and uninterested. “We meeting tonight?”

“We were meeting,” I answered. “Twenty minutes ago.”

He shrugged, looked past me, and grabbed a breadstick off the table. “Damn I’m starving,” he said as he ripped off a bite with his teeth.

I watched him eat with one-part shock and another part disgust. Who was this idiot? I stood tall and placed my hands on my hips, though the top of my head barely reached his chin. He must’ve been part Tongan or Samoan. His deeply tanned skin hinted at a life spent outdoors. Bleached brunette hair had been braided into cornrows that hung down to his shoulders. His frame rivaled any bodybuilder, and his suit hugged his muscles so tightly, I was surprised the seams hadn’t ripped.

He wore no tie, and beneath his purple suit jacket with leather elbow patches, he sported a Hawaiian shirt. When I glanced at his feet, my shock deepened.

He wore a pair of orange flip-flops.

A drop of anger simmered in my chest. Being so incredibly wrong about someone didn’t happen often, and annoyance clawed at me that I’d let it happen now.

He grabbed a chair, spun it around backward, and sat.

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CGBQPC4H

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/harleigh-sinclair-and-the-raiders-of-the-lost-ankh-the-harleigh-sinclair-series-book-1-by-tamara-grantham

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/197614269-harleigh-sinclair-and-the-raiders-of-the-lost-ankh


Harleigh Sinclair and the Ice Crusade

The Harleigh Sinclair Series Book 2

Finding lost artifacts is my specialty, but when an Inuit artifact is hidden in the wilds of Alaska, finding it could be more difficult than I’ve bargained for.

My name is Harleigh Sinclair. I’ve been using my abilities as a Neotact to find ancient relics with special powers. After teaming up with a man named Jagg Ransom—a Crimson Knight with a mysterious past—we’re on the search for five lost artifacts with immense powers.

Our current quest takes us to a remote village in the Alaskan wilderness. But when we arrive, we’re greeted by angry villagers who blame us for the disappearance of one of their trackers. He’s been kidnapped by my former coworker, and the two are on the path to find the relic before us.

If we can’t find the relic first, the object will fall into the hands of an evil organization called the Blood Raiders. Worse, we’re not alone. The Inuit artifact is guarded by a giant beast of lore—one that would rather see us dead than accomplish our mission.

But failure isn’t an option. If the Blood Raiders succeed in obtaining the relic, they’ll use it in a plot to destroy the world as we know it.


I stood at the doorway leading into the vaults of Mr. Walter Prescott’s most prized Neotact artifacts and debated how to steal one. Muted lights reflected over the black square of glass across from me. A hand scanner.

“No keypad. Right,” I said under my breath before pulling off my leather gloves. Air conditioning hummed from the vents of the high-rise tower in San Antonio’s downtown district, and I let the cool air wash over my exposed skin.

A cold shiver skittered down my spine, and I darted a glance at the dimly lit hallway stretching behind me. If things went south, it was my only escape. My new manager, King Khamron, had gotten me this far, but he’d stayed on the bottom floor near the building’s entrance to keep an eye out.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention to the scanner. The glass interface seemed to taunt me. My boss would kill me if I couldn’t break inside.

Why did it have to be a handprint scanner? Why couldn’t they use a no frills, super reliable—and easily hijacked—keypad?

As I concentrated, I sighed in frustration. A jolt of energy sparked through my fingertips. The electrical pulses had gotten stronger since I’d returned from Egypt two weeks ago, and I chalked it up to being exposed to the legendary ankh artifact. Darrell Brownstein, a convicted serial killer and Blood Raider, had planned to kill me with it, but instead, I’d used the ankh against him. He was dead now, along with a dozen of his followers.

Still, there were other Blood Raiders out there intent on taking the Neotact artifacts, which had led me to standing here at the vault of Walter Prescott, father of the famed Jagg Ransom, debating how to break in.

Jagg. I shook my head as an image of his ruggedly handsome face intruded on my memories. I hadn’t seen much of him since we’d returned from Egypt. A week ago, he’d told me he was traveling. Didn’t say where. Hadn’t even texted me since.

Long strands of brunette hair came loose from my ponytail and tickled my cheeks. As I pushed them away from my face, I once again attempted to concentrate on the hand scanner. Jagg Ransom was nothing but a distraction. The idea of turning around and telling King that I’d failed wasn’t a pleasant prospect.

I glanced up at the glass doors barring the vault. I could always break through the glass, but I was sure every security sensor in the building would start blaring the moment I did it.

No, I’d have to be creative about getting inside. I tapped my fingers on my lips, noticing the little electrical pulses popping at my skin like rubber bands. Odd that my powers were reacting this way after touching the ankh.

What if my ability isn’t just different? I asked myself. What if it’s more powerful?

With a deep inhale, I forced my doubts aside and placed my hand against the glass of the hand scanner. My heart raced, and I hoped the scanner couldn’t detect a person’s anxiety through its circuits. If so, I’d get fried in a heartbeat.

A yellow line glowed, starting at the top and moving down. I focused on sensing the last person’s hand that had touched the screen. Closing my eyes, I paid attention to the imprint of every swirl, every arch, every loop. Then, I sent a surge of energy into my hand, morphing it until it matched each of the previously used fingerprints.

I held my breath. If this didn’t work, and I got caught, I’d land in jail faster than I could blink.

Please work, please work, I chanted under my breath. Sweat beaded on my brow as I stared at the scanner.

Maybe it had been Jagg’s father’s hand that had been here. Maybe it had been Jagg himself. With that thought, my heart gave a sudden leap, and I could only imagine how angry Jagg Ransom would be if he knew I was breaking into his father’s prized vault.

Concentrate, I reminded myself, the yellow light still scanning up and down. A single beep chimed, and the light turned green. I released a pent-up breath. The door slid open with a mechanical hiss, revealing the interior of the vault.


Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CLYVJJYT

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/harleigh-sinclair-and-the-ice-crusade-the-harleigh-sinclair-series-book-2-by-tamara-grantham

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/200832535-harleigh-sinclair-and-the-ice-crusade


About the Author

Tamara Grantham is the award-winning author of more than a dozen books and novellas, including the Olive Kennedy: Fairy World MD series, the Shine novellas, and the Twisted Ever After trilogy. Dreamthief, the first book of her Fairy World MD series, won first place for fantasy in INDIEFAB’S Book of the Year Awards, a RONE award for best New Adult Romance, and is a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 200 five-star reviews.

Tamara holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from Lamar University. She has been a featured speaker at multiple writing conferences, and she has been a panelist at Comic Con Wizard World speaking on the topic of female leads. For her first published project, she collaborated with New York-Times bestselling author, William Bernhardt, in writing the Shine series.

Born and raised in Texas, Tamara now lives with her husband and five children in Wichita, Kansas. She rarely has any free time, but when the stars align and she gets a moment to relax, she enjoys reading fantasy novels, taking nature walks--which fuel her inspiration for creating fantastical worlds--and watching every Star Wars or Star Trek movie ever made. You can find her online at www.TamaraGrantham.com.


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Author Links

Website: https://www.tamaragrantham.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tamaraclairegrantham

X: https://twitter.com/tamaragrantham

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authortamaragrantham

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tamara-grantham

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Tamara-Grantham/author/B00KDRB24S

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8086515.Tamara_Grantham



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